Chapter 7: A Curse's... Lover?

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Liebe woke up on the air mattress and sat up. He cracked his neck and looked over at Aaron. He was still sleeping and the Curse didn't want to wake the human.

He takes the blanket that was on him and throws it off. He plants his feet on the floor and walks out of the room. He looks around and walks to the entrance of the school. He begins to walk out when he hears "hey!"

He turns his head to see Nobara standing there. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked him.

"Why do you care?" he asked her.

"Because I'm nosey. Now spill shorty," she told him.

"Calling me shorty? You're like two inches taller than me," he retorted.

"Still taller," Nobara pointed out. "Now, come on, spill."

"I'm just going out. I'll be back later on. See ya," Liebe retorted.

"Where exactly are you going?" Nobara asked.

Liebe was starting to get annoyed. So, he turns to her and asks "why don't you join me since you're so damn curious?"

"Sure," Nobara said before walking beside him.

The pair walks out of the school and enters a city. Nobara was amazed by the area due to her past about being a country folk. "I'm always amazed whenever I see a place like this," she said.

"I'm kind of sick of it. So many damn Curses and me fighting for my life more than once," he retorted.

"Then why did you come back here?" Nobara asked him.

While talking with Liebe, people turn to Nobara like she's crazy because they couldn't see the Curse as she could. "What? You've never seen a girl with Bluetooth before?" she asked them.

"But you're talking to an empty area," a random man pointed out.

"Yeah, and I like to do because it's what I do when speaking with someone via Bluetooth. Jeez," she retorted.

People decide to drop it and continue walking and minding their business. "Nice save," Liebe told her.

"Thank you, I'm known for my acting skills along with how beautiful I am," Nobara replied.

"I doubt that," said Liebe.


The pair continue to walk with each other and come across an alley. Nobara looks around and sees that no one was around. "Any reason why we're here?" asked the girl.

Liebe sees on the ground while looking up at the sky. "It's where... my life changed," Liebe told her.

"Your life changed?" Nobara questioned before sitting right beside Liebe.

"Yeah. I hated my life because it was nothing more than just me fighting just to survive. I used to pray that a Sorcerer would come by and just kill but despite my best efforts, I didn't know how to die," he told her.

"I see," Nobara said while listening to every word that Liebe had to say.

"Then I met her. Amaya Jun," he said.

"Wait, did you just say... Jun?" Nobara asked knowing it was Aaron's last name.

"Yeah," he answered. "She was someone who gave me a purpose in life. I wanted nothing more than to just die but she helped me."

"You joined her like how you joined Aaron?" Nobara asked.

"I did. And then... this fucking Curse who had these volcano powers killed her," Liebe said. "From that day, I vowed to kill every single Curse that exists. They have done nothing but make my life hell and kill the one person I loved."

Nobara places a hand on Liebe's head and ruffles up his hair a bit. He looks at her a little confused. "Hey, don't worry. You won't have to do it alone. You got all of us now and did you honestly think you could defeat someone like Sukuna on your own?" Nobara asked him.

"I would have figured it out," Liebe told her.

"Yeah, you're gonna trap him in a book and set it on fire," Nobara teased.

"See!!" Liebe retorted.

Nobara laughs and gets up. "Come on, Liebe. You're not gonna stay here all day, right?" she asked.

"I don't know," he replied. "And wow, I never have been able to speak like this to anyone in a long time."

"Hey, we all have moments like that," Nobara retorted.

Liebe slightly blushes and replies "I guess."

"So, you wanna come back to the school so I can kick your ass in Smash?"

"Yeah, right," he said while getting up. "I kicked your ass during an actual fight and I'll kick your ass in whatever Smash is."

"Come on then!" Nobara retorted.

Both of them run off back to the school to get things started. They start up Super Smash Bros and things don't go well for Liebe as Nobara chose the Ice Climber and proceeded to do the Wobbling combo.

"What the hell is going on?!" Liebe asked. "I can't do anything!!!"

"I told you I would kill your ass in this!" Nobara told him.

"I know how I can kick your ass," Liebe retorted.

"How?" Nobara asked while still doing the combo.

Liebe turns to her and smacks the controller out of her hands. "HEY!!!" she screamed as Liebe turned back to the tv to freely play.

Instead of picking the controller back up, Nobara lunges at Liebe and tackles him to the floor. She was holding him down and pinned his arms down. There was a sudden two knocks at the door.

The door opens and Maki walks in. "Nobara, you wanna-" she sees Nobara on top of Liebe. "I'll just-"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!" Nobara said while getting off Liebe. "He just knocked the controller out of my hands so I tackled him."

"Uuuuuh, alright," Maki retorted.

Liebe gets up and says "I'm just gonna go back to Aaron."

"Alright, see ya," Maki said.

"See ya, and hey, next time we play, I'll definitely kick your ass!" Nobara told him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he retorted before walking out.

After he left, Maki closes the door and turns to Nobara. "You got a crush on him, don't you?"

"Huh?!" Nobara responded. "What are you talking about?!"

"Come on, don't play dumb with me," Maki replied.

Blushing, Nobara says "well, I don't! Granted, I do like Liebe's personality."

"Can I be one of your bride maids?" Maki asked.

"What?! No!" Nobara retorted.

"Good, I hate weddings. If I ever get married, I'm eloping," Maki retorted.

"Uh... ok?" Nobara retorted.

Meanwhile, with Liebe, he walks into Aaron's room to see him munching on cookies. "Hey!" Aaron said with a mouth filled with cookies.

"Hey," Liebe said back before sitting on the bed.

"How was your day?" Aaron asked.

"It was... interesting. And fun," Liebe told him.

"That's good to hear, Aaron replied.

"Yeah... real good," Liebe said before going into his thoughts. "Nobara... what is up with me finding all of these pretty Sorcerers?"

Word Count: 1184

Author: I specifically made this chapter for a buddy of mine, Nugget. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter man and hope you have better days.

With that out of the way, I'll see all of ya in the next chapter. Peace!

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