Chapter 2: Curse Womb

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The gang stands out in front of a juvenile detention center. "90% have been removed from the scene and the decision to seal off the center was made," a man told them. "Five more people remain in the building along with the Curse Womb. We are worried though that it may have become a special grade Curse Spirit." 

"Normally, a Sorcerer that's on the same level or higher would deal with this. Which would be Gojo," Megumi stated. 

"Where is he then?" Itadori asked. 

"He's gone on vacation," Aaron told him. "I believe the last thing he said was 'don't expect me to bring anything back for you' and I believe that's that." 

"As it normally is, we are often short handed in this business," the man said. "It's just the life of a Jujutsu Sorcerer to take on missions that may be too much for you. So, what I recommend for you to do in this case is to just try to take everyone out of the building. And if you do run into a special grade, you either run or die." 

Aaron gulped. "Damn it, I can't believe this. But if I'm going to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer, this is the type of stuff I'm going to have to get used to." 

As they were getting ready to accept the task at hand, a woman tries to get in but was held back by men. "Excuse, but where's my son? Where is he? Is he ok?!" 

Aaron looked at the woman and felt his heart ready to break. She wanted to see her son but who knows what might have happened to him. Seeing this only made Aaron want to find everyone and get them out of there as safely as possible. 

After seeing her break down, the four of them walk into the building. A veil is cast over and Aaron takes his swords out of his bags. Meanwhile, Megumi pulls out his Demon Dog. "He'll let us know if the Curse gets close." 

"Aw, good boy!" Itadori told it while petting the white fur of the Demon Dog. 

They open the front door and run in. Upon entering, they see the whole place disorient. "Huh, the door!" Megumi said. 

They turn around and see it's gone. "What the hell?" Aaron thought. 

"What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?" Itadori and Nobara asked repeatedly. 

"Don't worry guys," Aaron told them. "I remember the scent of the entrance and I have no doubt Fushiguro's dog remembers it as well." 

"Aw, good boy!" Nobara said before reaching over to pat Aaron's head. 

"Yeah, good boy!" Itadori added. 

"Thanks... I think?" Aaron retorted. 

"Would you three stop screwing around?!" Megumi asked. 

"Fushiguro's right, let's keep going," Aaron said before moving forward. 

The four of them continue their search arriving at various places until seeing three carcasses. Aaron looked over at them and focused on the name tag of one of them. He read the name and shut his eyes. "Damn it, if only we could have saved him," he thought. 

"We still have to find two more people. Leave the body behind," Megumi said. 

"What? That makes no sense!" Itadori told him. 

"I don't care. I'm not risking my own life for someone I never planned on saving," he responded. 

"WHAT?! You mean you never intended on saving him?!" 

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