Chapter 9

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"Taehyung-ssi, we need t go to college. Our classes start soon." Jungkook called out.

He was hurt to day the least, he was broken. It was hard for him to accept the truth but he had to move on from Taehyung.

"Thank you... Jungkook-ah I-"

"I got it Taehyung-ssi I need to leave now that you are awake."

Jungkook went in his car to the school. He wasn't paying attention.

'What did that Seojoon guy mean..?'

'Is Tae really married'

He suddenly bumped into someone causing them to fall.

"Oh I am so- Jimin?" Jungkook said looking at the man who was sitting on the floor

"Oh hey Jungkook-ah, where are you going?" Jimin asked getting up and dusting off his clothes.

"I am sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I have history" Jungkook said feeling a bi awkward after Jimin's confession.

"Its okay, I have the same things let's go" Jimin said pulling Jungkook's hand and leading him inside.

Taehyung stood there looking at both of them with a sad smile on his face.

Taehyung wiped off the tear that came out of his eye

"I am so stupid" muttered Taehyung before shaking his head and going to his class.


"Jungkook-ah" Jimin called out to the guy siting next to him

"Hmm" Jungkook said not interested

"Will you go on a date with me?" Jimin asked turning Jungkook to face him by holding his hands.

"I- what" Jungkook screamed in a whisper as his eyes widened

"Jungkook, can you give me- ju-just one chance to show you how much I love you?"

"I- fine, one chance Jimin, that's it" Jungkook said packing his stuff and moving away from him


"Taehyung-ah, Taehyung wait!!!" Jimin yelled while running out chasing the other before he leaves.

"I did it, he gave me a chance Tae, now what do I do?"

"H-he did?" Taehyung asked surprised 

"Yessss" Jimin yelled holding his hand while dancing while holding his hands

"Okay okay, everyone is looking at us. Let's go to the palace, I will tell you what to do next" Taehyung said leading Jimin to the palace.

"Let's get it!" Jimin said excitedly


"So, I can guarantee we can make Jungkook fall for you in 7 days" Taehyung said

"7 days!?" Jimin said surprised at how less time it would take 

"Yeah, step 1 is to make him feel appreciated, send him love letters, write poems for him" Taehyung said thinking deeply.


Jungkook opened the card that was kept on his table

'Dear kookie,

Roses are red, violets are blue

This heart of mine, beats just for you

Your lover'

A smile crept up to Jungkook's face. He was happy and on cloud 9. Someone did care for him at least.

He saw Jimin coming up to him so he hid the letter. Jimin took out a box from his bag and gave that to Jungkook. 

"What's this" asked Jungkook examining what Jimin had given him

"A suit, it's going to be the royal anniversary soon and I wanted to learn dance with you" Jimin said smiling


"Before you say, you promised I could try. One chance, please kooks" Jimin said pleading

Jungkook couldn't break his heart, he thought Jimin might have sent the letter to him. Thinking about the letter a small smile crept up to his face.

"Ok, fine" said Jungkook focusing back on the class


"How did it go?" Taehyung asked

"Amazing, he looked happy today" Jimin said

"That's... good" Taehyung said, a smile making its way up to his face.

"Okay, so what next?" Jimin asked eagerly

"Well, since the dance lessons worked. Try accidently falling on him, tell him nice  things and compliment him" Taehyung said 

"So that's what it was" Jungkook said standing in the door way, he had heard all the conversation and wasn't angry but betrayed that Taehyung himself was setting him up.

"Jungkook wait-"

"Stop with lies... Just stop now" 


Ayyiee ayiie

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