Chapter 13

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"Can we talk son" Jungkook's mom asked coming near Jungkook on the roof

"What is it mother" Jungkook said in his icy cold tone

"Just for a moment, can we please talk like mother and son" his mother asked

Jungkook sighed and nodded.

"I know you love Taehyung, but you know he's married now right son...? Why did you fall in love..?" she asked him

Jungkook let out a dangerously low chuckle

"If I'd have known earlier would I have fallen in love?" Jungkook asked looking his mom straight in the eyes

"No..." Jungkook's mom said tears brimming in her eyes

"Why...why are you crying..?" Jungkook asked sighing

"Because.. I know you well" she said going closer to Jungkook as she placed her hand on his shoulder

"You won't be able to take this rejection... You'll never be happy.. You'll never fall in love now... You won't marry.. You will be alone..."

"Yes" Jungkook said looking away

"What do you mean yes!? How can you agree with me..?" Jungkook's mom asked being bewildered

"How can you say that!? You... you should console me... say you'll be happy, you will find someone else, tell me you will marry... be happy" his mother cried sobbing

"How am I supposed to tell you these lies mom... lies that I know I won't ever be the truth..." Jungkook said finally meeting his eyes with his mom's

"I love him mamma, I really do so much.. That idiotic guy tries matchmaking me, his cuteness just kills me. God I want to make his mine so so so much you can't imagine mom." Jungkook said as tears now started to stream down his face too

Jungkook's mom came closer and held him close to her chest

"What do I do mom.. why is-is this happening with me.. why can't I hate him.. why" Jungkook said finally letting his feeling go

"It will be fine son... Our angel is watching us and he will make sure that everything will be fine my love please, it hurts mom. You will be fine. Everything will be as it is supposed to be." His mother said trying her best to console him.

Even Taehyung to fill Jungkook's life with love again... with Jimin's love

But Jimin... he was giving up


On the other hand

"Jimin open up" Taehyung was furiously banging at his door


Why was Taehyung banging on Jimin's door? What had happened and why was he angry..?

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