10. new home

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         We reached his other home. Nothing in here screams of money. Its just a simple little cozy house . It gives me a feeling of being in home. I guess this is my new home.

   " did you like it " Aman asked from behind me.

    " no " I said .
        " oh " he said I could  feel disappointment from him.

    " but I love it" i said  facing towards the hall.

             He came towards me and hugged me from behind wrapping his arms around my waist placing his chin on my shoulder  placing a feather kiss on my neck. I could feel shiver running through my spine.

      " I always wanted to live in a small cozy house with my wife. Guess what my dreams are coming alive" he siad kissing me on my cheeks.

     " so the project was a lie. " I said

    " Not entirely but yeah a little bit"


    " Because  I know you don't feel comfortable among  many people and its tough for you to be yourself  but being here alone you can feel free and .... I can be little more more romantic " he said turning me facing towards him. He was smirking and I wish I could wipe it off his face.

       " Don't even try" I said moving away from his grip.

    " oh darling I haven't even started.  When I start I know you cant resist my charms" he said placing his hands on his pocket.

        I shook my head at him and started to walk until he called me hesitated

   " umm.. Tara sorry for yesterday".

                 What was he talking about  oh may be kiss i think . But I know can never burry his cocky attitude and what he said next confirmed it.

        " But I don't regret it even a bit and yeah I won't hesitate to try again  and you   know I  can't  erase the memory of your lips again my lips a..." he said smirking

         " ahh get lost you donkey" I screamed and walked fast to admire the beauty of the home.
Thought I could  hear him laughing at me from the hall.

         After getting settled in the home . I understood that there won't be any maids to cook so I should cook. So after having lunch we settled on the couch to watch  Harry Potter series.

         Half way through the movie Aman moved towards me and pulled me towards him placing his hands around my shoulder so that I was so close to him.

       My mind started to wander around  the things happening in my life. I knew I use to forget about Vicky when I'm around Aman and I'm getting used to Aman around  me and I'm scared . So I started crying . When Aman sensed it he paused the movie and  cupped my face in his hands.

   " hey hey whats wrong ? What happened ? Are you not comfortable ? Is it because of yesterday? Say something Tara I'm getting scared" he said tensed.

     " I'm scared " I said wiping my tears which were falling uncontrollably

      " why are  you scared ? " he asked me calmly .

          " the way my body reacts to your touch betraying me. I cant control it . " i chuckled and continued " you must be also thinking of me as a whore right like everyone.  Maybe I'm proving it right by giving into your touch" I continued crying hysterically .

         " if not then why did not explain it to anyone " he asked me wiping my tears

     " Why do I have to explain to anyone " I askee him angrily .

     " Then why are you explaining to me baby" he said smiling a little.

    " i don't know" I answered him truthfully.

          " Thats because deep inside your mind you trust me and you know  that you are not doing anything wrong because you are my wife. Mine to love . Mine to cherish" he said looking into my eyes.

          " Do you know why I'm not asking you about your past because when you trust me completely  I know that you will open up to me and also I know you need time for that. So don't cry  and don't think about anything else  . Just remember that I'm your husband with whom you are going to spend your whole life and after life " he said . Wiping my tears he kissed my forehead and pulled me into his chest .

            After few minutes
" Afterlife.??? " i asked him confused.
            " you know what I just gave you such a long speech and you are just getting the word afterlife. Really Tara ! And yeah even in afterlife I'm not going to leave you alone" he said and started tickling me

      " stop it . Noooooo. Plz " I pleaded him to stop but no avail...........

To be continued.....



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