34. love in after life

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If you guys are confused on age then  Avi and Ria are almost same age. Ryan is 2 years younger than them  and the twins are 5 years younger than them . So the 1st half happens when  Ria , Ryan and Avi are in their twenties while others are in their  teenage.


3rd person pov:

" Aviiiii " Ria screamed  entering Avi's room. But he was not there.

" just a minute Ria I'm  bathing "

" ok I will wait for you " Ria was really anxious.  She kept on fidgeting her fingers. It was obvious that she was nervous.  She  sat on the bed facing the window. She want Avi to know about her feelings for him. She wanted to be more than his friend  for that she should take a leap and its today. Now or never. Ria decided .

Avi came out dressed in his track pants and t-shirt. Water droplets were falling from his hair . The black towel hung around his shoulder.  He looked at Ria and smiled. He raised his eyebrow on her like his mother motioning her to speak. Ria closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

 Ria closed her eyes and took a deep breath

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" Avi I like you " she opened her eyes.

" I like you too Ria , what's wrong in the that " Avi placed the wet on the table .

" Avi , I like you in the sense I have feelings for you "  Ria waited for his reply. Avi looked out the window staying silent.  His silence gave her the answer. She chuckled dryly. Tears were brimming in her eyes. With lots of courage she asked him the what every girl in this world wanted to ask the guy when she is rejected.

" Do I look that ugly Avi , that the only person I liked  doesn't even acknowledge me "  her voice cracked. Avi knew she will be devasted.

" I'm sorry Ria it was never my intention to give you mixed signals " he never turned and looked at her.

" may be I  can court you , soon or later we could also live happily you know " 

" No Ria we can't  "

" do you like someone else Avi "

" yes Ria "

" why don't  you say it looking at my eyes " he turned slowly.  Ria was shocked to see him crying.  This isn't the she knew. The one she is looking is totally broken. She don't want to add more into her plate.  She wanted him to be happy even the one with whom he will stay happy isn't  her.

Ria ran and hugged  him tightly . Both were crying.  After a few minutes both of them were sitting on the bed in a comfortable silence. Avi decided to break the silence.

" you know Ria , you are one of the most beautiful women in my life inside and out. Any men could fall for you " Ria chuckled .

" why can't you  avi " only silence silence prevailed among them. Ria shook her head and started to leave the room. Avi never wanted to loose her friendship.  Above that he don't want to break her heart. Even if its going to make her hate him he wanted her to know. Avi held her stopping her.

" If I was ever interested in girls you would have been my first priority Ria "   Avi said slowly and released her hand.

( oops cliff hanger . Let us see want will happen in sequel wink * )


Years later when our Aman and Tara becomes old couples :

Tara was laying on Aman's chest. He was playing with her hair. Their love for eachother never ended after all these years.

" sweetheart "

" hmm "

" I  know I'm selfish but you know now I want you to know this "

" whats it Aman " Tara looked at her. Her face were wrinkled nonetheless she is the most beautiful woman in the world for him.

" In my next birth I want to be your first and last love Tara. I'm not ready to share your love with anyone else that's other than me "  Tara gave him a sweet smile.

" I love you " Tara murmured on his chest looking at him.

" I love soo much sweetheart " Aman placed a loving kiss on her forehead.  They have enjoyed everything in their life. Even they had the happiness to see and play with their grand children.  Now both of them of thankful to God for their life and now even if God wants them with him both of them are more than ready to go with him.

They smiled at eachother and closed their eyes with a loving smile prevailing on their lips.


" hey mom , hey dad " Avi said placing flowers on his parents  grave stone. He was really happy that his parents had eachother even after their death.  His parents death took a troll on the whole family.  He had to be strong for his sister and the kids .
He should be strong so that they could confine on him.

But he too needed a shoulder to cry on. After all he is a human not a robot. Avi loving looked at the person who sat beside him . Their journey wasn't much easier.  He intertwined his hand with the other person's hand and placed placed a loving kiss on it.

" we love you a lot mom and dad "  they said looking at the grave stone.


One more chapter to go ...

Its not the end of Aman and Tara dears . I'm not ending my dreams couples like that wait for the next chap.
.. you can expect them more in the sequels which im planning to write..
So I will be posting an author not asking your opinion on sequel guys..

Until then bye.

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