Chapter 41: A Morning of Terror

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Tanikawa Sachi was a banker at Schnideres' Bank, and Kaneki Kujo was a receptionist in the Horns Conglomerate Tower. They lived on completely opposite sides of the city and had very different lives. Sachi was a family man with a wife and two kids. The elephant lived in a nice apartment and was well off as a banker. Kujo lived alone in a small apartment, keeping to himself. As a mouse, he liked the smaller space. Sachi woke up at the crack of dawn for work and Kujo only started his shift after lunch. They got out of their jobs roughly the same time, and got home within a reasonable timeframe. Sachi ate full, home-cooked meals and Kujo ate mostly fastfood and instant packages, aside from the times he visited his mother and she cooked for him. Their paths probably never crossed and never would, considering Kujo kept his money in a completely different bank. But there was one similarity that they would share, on the same day no less. They both would be working when an animal walked in and up to them.


"I would like to make a withdrawal from an account please," the serval said. 

Sachi couldn't help notice the shotgun she had slung over her shoulder and the group of other animals that had walked in behind her, all shouldering an assortment of shotguns and rifles and had side arms in holsters. They were all dressed in black with rolled up ski masks on the tops of their heads. If not for the height and weight differences, they would've all looked the same. Sachi knew a robbery when he saw one, and pressed the silent alarm button under the counter.

"Of course ma'am," he said, playing along to buy the police time. "Which account?"

"The Horns Conglomerate's," she said, pulling out a slip of paper. "According to these records, we need to withdraw three hundred thirty one billion yen."

The elephant looked at her with a look. She was serious.

"Look," the serval said. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Do to a business transaction that has been absolved, and according to the agreements in that contract, we are taking back what is rightfully ours."

She pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to him through the glass.

"Ma'am a withdrawal of that much needs paperwork and time for it to be applied."

"Okay," she said. "Guess we're doing it the hard way."

She pulled the mask down over her face, as did the other robbers followed suit, reaching for their guns in the process. They opened fire into the air and the bank tenants all screamed as they ducked.

"We are not here for your money," the leader shouted. "We're here for our money. So just stay down, stay quiet, and if the tellers do their jobs correctly, then this will all be over shortly. You," she said, pointing to Sachi. "Vault. Now."


Kujo couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the masked animal waltz in through the front doors. Razor took his time walking up to the reception desk and even calmly drummed his hands on its surface when he reached it. He took out an earbud, which blasted heavy metal.

"May I borrow the intercom microphone, please," he asked.

The mouse just stared at him, completely in frightful awe at the fact he was standing there.

"The mic?" he repeated. "May I?"

Kujo still didn't move. Razor reached over the counter and grabbed the microphone, pulling it closer to him and reaching his other hand over to press the activate button. The speakers all over the building screeched to life for a second before quieting down. Razor unscrewed the filter from his gas mask and spoke clearly into the microphone.

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