Chapter 6: A Tail Tells No Lies

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"Who was that?" Haru asked.

"Nobody," Legoshi said after hanging the phone back on the hook.

"I'm not an idiot," the white rabbit said. "Who was it?"

"Louis," Legoshi said, going to sit down next to her on the bed.

"What did he want?" she asked.

"He was just calling back about something I asked him earlier."

"Which was?"

"He's busy."

Haru clearly didn't believe him, but left it alone. She turned back to the laptop she had opened. There were listings for more spacious apartments that she was looking at. They had lived in Legoshi's room in the Hidden Condo for the first few years of their marriage. It was on the cheaper end compared to other apartments, and Haru was still in school. But now that she had finished and had a career in place, they could afford a new residence. Legoshi was reluctant to leave, considering to him it was his home.

"What about this one?" she asked, turning the screen towards him. It was an apartment with a combined living and kitchen space with one bedroom and one bathroom attached. The wallpaper was teal with a cherry blossom pattern repeating along it. It had just recently popped up.

"Yeah, good," her husband said, not even looking at the listing. He was seated on the edge of the mattress with his back to her. She saw the scars that ran across his back instead of his face, which bothered her. She closed the computer with a humph and put it down. It also bothered her when he didn't pay attention, though this time she could tell he had something else on his mind. Which also also bothered her.

"Say it," she said. "What has got you all, like this?"

Legoshi fidgeted, his hands clasped around his tail, which was tucked between his legs. She knew this meant he was scared. Living with a different species for so long, you picked up on their behaviors. And when you lived with one as long as she had, you picked up on the individual's specific behavior as well. When Legoshi played with his tail while it was tucked between his legs, it meant he was deeply troubled as well. His ear twitched and that was the last piece of behavioral evidence she needed. She stood on the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned her head against his.

"What is it?" she asked again.

"Nothing," he said.

"This is not nothing," she said, stepping around to stand on his legs so they faced each other. She tilted his chin up with one hand so that their eyes met. She lost herself for a moment in those, reptilian eyes, which he got from his grandfather. He himself stopped playing with his tail upon being drawn in by her pure-black eyes. He brought his hands up to support her back.

"What is it?" she asked again, in almost a whisper.

"Those murders this morning are making me worried," he said. "Predatory offences coming back. What if-"

Haru took one hand and wrapped it around his snout, holding his mouth shut.

"Nothing is going to happen," she said. "If what you are worried about happening does happen. And we get separated. I know you'll go hunting again. If that means you come back to me missing another ear, or an eye or have to wear those dreaded dentures again, I won't care. You are my predator. And I am your prey."

"But if I-"

"Shhh," she hushed. "I don't think you have the strength, or will, to eat me. How long have we been together?"

"Five? Maybe six years?"

"How many times have you had the urge to eat me?"


She gave him a look of disbelief.

"Really?" she asked. "None?"

"Well there was that one time," he smirked. "And this one."

Without warning, he wrapped his huge arms around her tiny little frame and brought her close, into his chest. He fell back onto the bed with Haru still in his hold and the two nuzzled together. Haru pushed herself up from the embrace and sat herself on Legoshi's chest.

"You said you were hungry?" she asked.

"Not that hungry," he said, stopping her hands from what they were doing.

"Well too bad," she said, leaning in close so that their noses practically touched. "Because I am."

She smiled as she sat back up, taking off her shirt.

"Haru, it's late."

"It's only ten. For most wolves and rabbits, the day's just winding down. Now, be a good dog and show me your teeth."

Legoshi smiled a big, toothy grin for his wife. God he loved her.

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