Regressing To Newborn

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(Creds to: @Conorfan112, hope you like the chapter, let me know if you want anything changed)

Today was just a chill day today. Louis and Harry were coming over and we're just going to chill out, maybe even get the pool out for Niall so he could cool down as it was hot today. He was already dressed in a short sleeve striped bodysuit and a pair of short sleeve striped shorts.

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"It's hot today bud, isn't it?" Zayn coos at him

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"It's hot today bud, isn't it?" Zayn coos at him. Niall had regressed back to a 6 month old, which meant we had to get the more baby looking toys out. We also had the fans out and windows wide open, but we made sure to keep an eye on Niall incase he got close to the fans.

"What're we doing, huh?" I also coo at him. He looks up and smiles at me before babbling away at a toy.

"Alright then" I chuckle.

"Better start some lunch soon so mister can go down for a nap" because Niall regressed he now has 2/3 naps a day, night time is a different story. He usually sleeps the first 5 hours and then he's on and off for the rest of the night until 5:30am/6:00am on a good night, he'll wake up at 6:30am.

"Yup, what would we like for lunch mister?" I tickle his belly although I knew I wasn't going to get an answer. Zayn soon passes Niall to me and gets up to go start some lunch.

"Ohh, we stinky, we better change you before lunch only for you to do it again after you've eaten" I lay him down and tickle his belly before changing his nappy, which I knew I'd be changing again after lunch but I just didn't want him to sit in it all that time and get a rash so I'd rather change two dirty nappies.

"Lunch" Zayn calls and Niall gets all excited.

"We excited?" Zayn chuckles once I place Niall in his seat, I don't clip him in because I know he can't get out but I always put his arms in the straps just incase. I knew he wasn't big enough to climb out. I clip his tray on thinking I clipped it on properly...little did I know.

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