A Rough Week

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Over the past week, Niall had been all over the place with his headspace. We knew he was just trying to figure it all out, each day would be something new and unexpected with him, but we just took each day as it came. Near the end of the week, he became slightly feverish and sick so we all took it down to him constantly being in and out of headspace that it just messed with his brain and got confused.

"How we feeling?" I coo as he was cuddling his giraffe that we got for him. He had slipped the more sicker he got.

"Ehh" he whines.

"Not great, huh?" Zayn comes over and tries to give him some medicine.

"Come on Nialler, it'll make you feel better" he coos at him.

"Nooo" he cries as he hid into my side.

"Come on bud, you've got to take it" I soothe him as I rubbed his back up and down. He finally takes it but he still cries.

"Good job" I praise him.

"We'll have something to eat and then get in the bath, ok?" I soothe as I ran my hand through his hair. It started to get late and everyone was trying to cheer Niall up but he was having none of it. We got him to eat something small for now before taking him for a bath.

"Ok, let's hope this helps your fever come down a bit" it didn't faze any of us when one of us stripped naked, it was just something normal to us now so we weren't really bothered by it at this point.

"Look, I got you this cute penguin towel" Zayn comes in with a dark blue hooded penguin bath towel.

Zayn looked like a bad boy but secretly, he was a sweetheart

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Zayn looked like a bad boy but secretly, he was a sweetheart. I wrap Niall up and get him dried and dressed into some long sleeve bear pyjamas.

"Let's go lay down and get you something to drink" I say as I picked him up and he clung to me

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"Let's go lay down and get you something to drink" I say as I picked him up and he clung to me. I set him on the bed and that's when he cried out a name. Not just any name but...

"Daddy" he whines. Zayn and I both turn around.

"This is awesome" Louis cheers and Zayn and I both glare at him.

"Who's daddy, honey?" I ask him but he just carries on whining.

"Daddy" he made grabby hands for me.

"Knew it" Harry mutters under his breath. I sit with him whilst Zayn got a sippy cup of water.

"Here buddy" he says as he passes him the sippy cup.

"Let's snuggle" Zayn says as he climbs into bed with Niall and cuddles him whilst Niall traced his tattoos

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"Let's snuggle" Zayn says as he climbs into bed with Niall and cuddles him whilst Niall traced his tattoos.

"Papa" Niall mumbles around his cup. We think Niall is clearly coming round from his headspace.

"Here" I say as I threw a blanket over Niall.

He soon falls asleep and Zayn cuddles him for a bit, just admiring him

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He soon falls asleep and Zayn cuddles him for a bit, just admiring him.

"He's so cute, I can't believe he just called us those names"

"Looks like we're the fun uncles" Louis happily says, clearly pleased with himself.

"Don't worry, I'm free to babysit both Ni and Lou apparently" Harry says.

"Thank you" I tell him.

"Pass me his dummy please, he's still trying to suck his cup" Zayn whispers.

"Here" I say as I pass him a green zebra dummy.

We soon call it a night once we knew Niall had gotten somewhat better and headed off to bed to get some well needed rest from the last few nights of Niall's sickness that has only now started to get him better

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We soon call it a night once we knew Niall had gotten somewhat better and headed off to bed to get some well needed rest from the last few nights of Niall's sickness that has only now started to get him better.

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