Stressed Niall

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*Liam's PoV*

Over the last few weeks, Niall was basically not himself. He was irritable, refused to get his hair done or his ear pieces in, he would sleep a lot more and would even sneak into Zayn and I's bed during the night. He was basically stressed out but was refusing help. And yes Zayn and I are together and so is Louis and Harry.

"Ni, please sit still for me" Lou, our hairstylist tried to keep Niall still.

"No, don't wanna" he complains.

"Boys! On in five" someone calls out.

"Niall, please hon" eventually Zayn went over there and held him down whilst Lou did his hair. We soon performed on stage where Niall was a completely different person to when he was backstage. He would run around and laugh with Louis, just having fun when backstage, he would just sleep most of the time.

"Ok boys, we're going to head to the hotel room for a few nights and then we'll be back in the tour bus again" Paul, our tour manager and security guard informed us. Paul was a great man and was there for us when we needed, he was more than his job, he understood us and accepted us when four of us came out, he was more of an uncle than anything.

"Hey, we need to talk about Niall" he pulls me aside once Niall was gone.

"I know, I'll get the others and we can talk" I tell him.

"Good choice" we make our way to the hotel and get settled in before Paul takes the four of us into a different room once we knew Niall was asleep. We talk about Niall and search different ways we could help him, only one grabbed our attention.

"We can always get him to try it, it won't be easy but we still need to respect him if it doesn't work out" Louis speaks up.

"I think it's a good idea" we order a few things for the hotel for now and head back to our rooms. Niall had always been closer to Zayn and I, it's not like he doesn't love the other boys, he does, but he's just closer to us. Zayn and I shared a room with Niall whilst Lou and Haz shared another. We go to bed and it wasn't long until I heard shuffling.

"Li" I hear Ni's voice in the dark.

"Yes, Ni?" I mumble, half asleep.

"Urm, can I sleep with you?" It was so quiet I almost didn't hear him.

"Sure, you know the drill" I say as I pulled the covers off my side and helped Niall in before cuddling him against me as I fell back asleep with Niall in my arms. I noticed him sucking his thumb just as I did fall asleep.

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