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*Sobs*  *Sobs*  *Sobs*

She can't believe what's in front of her.

She don't want to believe.

" *Sobs*.......N-Nee-san...... Nee-san....! "

Not once in her life she ever wished for a nightmare like this.

To see her sister, her twin, the other half of her laying deep in pain in the arms of her youngest sibling waiting for death to take her breath away.

" N-No.... "

Now she wished this was all just a dream, a nightmare. Very terrible one.

So, she could wake up and see her still alive and healthy.

But, she can't.

" H-...Hi..kari "

Her legs felt like noodles, trembling as she walked slowly towards her dying sister.

" Yes N-Nee-san? "

No matter how hard she tried to conceal any sorts of sound, her mind can't handle the waves of emotions inside her.

' I should've come faster '

Was all she said in her mind, repeated like a broken tape.

" I-I..... don't think I c-...could continue m-my role any-.....more "

Her eyes were glistening with tears as she bit her lips to silence her whimpers, she hates these heavy feelings that dragged her down from her calm state of mind.

It makes her felt breakable, fragile. Like she was the one dying.

" P-Please....d-....on't cry "

Her smile.

How can she still be smiling when death is just a foot away from her door?

Her hands gently wiped off the tears rolling down from those cerulean orbs, the ones that never wet before. Until now.

She caressed the cheek of her younger ones, the grief and sadness were reflacted in their tears.

It pained her equally hard to see their vulnerability.

" Lis-...ten, H-Hikari. If I....a-ask quit demon slaying....w-will y-.....ou? "

Why bother asking? The answer was clear.

How can she quit knowing the demon who had took her sister's life still roaming free out there? There was no such way the Kochos would let that.

She will find him, she'll search through the deepest of hell if needed to.

He will pay.

For the first time the anger burnt in her, nothing but pure hatred.

" Not until Muzan's demise, he is the root of all this agony, he creates the monster who did this to you. I'll kill him, I'll kill him, I'll kill him! I'LL KILL HIM!!!! "

No deity can save the beast once she had him in her grasp, he will face the worst nightmare God has ever created and send it to him in a form of the remaining Kocho Siblings.

" T-Then, one t-thing "

The elder sister pulled her closer by the cheek and she whispered,

" Take c-care...of S-...Shinobu a-and Ka-...nao for me, k-keep t-...them safe "

Her sorrow can no longer be contained, sobs escaped her lips endlessly.

" No, N-Nee-san. Please... "

" I-I' role "

Kanae's hand slowly fell from their cheek and brought into reality Hikari and Shinobu's biggest fear.

"'s your time "

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