Sumblinal Messages

162 9 7

a/n: this is not compliant w ep 9, so imagine that the recording stuff just didn't happen !!! also that's too angsty and i can't write angst lmao

Milly looked at the clock on her nightstand. The red numbers flared back at her, 00:47. She sighed, she should sleep soon. But she stared at her phone screen again, and made her decision. Screw it! She's stayed up later before, and today (well technically, yesterday) was a Friday!

Her screen's brightness was low, blending in with the darkness of the room. But Milly could still easily make out the site in front of her.


She scrolled through the list and reminded herself why she was on this page in the first place.

She was finally going to confess to Elliot.

Not directly, of course! That's WAY too embarrassing. The only people who really knew about it Jake and Zoey. And Zoey wasn't even on purpose!

Her plan was simple, give Elliot a flower to plant every week. And, wow! The flowers would just happen to be a romantic message! Elliot was a flower expert, he would totally understand the meanings of the flowers.
Elliot apparently didn't understand the meanings of the flowers.

Milly had given him 5 flowers:
White Camellia: You're Adorable
Gardenia: Secret Love
White Clovers: Think of Me
White Jasmine: Sweet Love
Red Chrysanthemum: I Love You

It was the final day, and Milly hoped her plan would work. As she hopped on to the bus, she heard her phone vibrate in her pocket. She checked in instantly, of course.

A text from Elliot! He must've noticed the flowers!

Thank you for the flowers!!!
The arrangement was really pretty, lots of pink, red and white really go with the orchids!! :)

Milly slumped in the bus seat. Despite the warm coloured flower garden, she felt blue. Did Elliot really not get the message at all? Or did he just not say anything? Her mind pondered on that last option for too long. What if he didn't like her and didn't want to be rude? She took matters into her own hands.

ooo nice!!!!!!!!!
did u notice any messages in them??
bc i heard that flowers are like that but idk any lmao

yeah i did actually!
lots centred on love haha
never took you as a person to be into those sort of things

Milly groaned into her hands, and ignored and of the weird looks she got from other passengers. Man, those flowers were expensive too! Why did Elliot have to be so goddamn oblivious?

Okay, Milly definitely had this now. She took her pen off the paper, and re-read the letter she wrote. She noticed a blank spot at the bottom and realised. She had to sign a name.
She panicked slightly, what could she say that wouldn't immediately give her away? She thought about her nicknames.

Pink-Haired Devil
Nope, basically everyone called her that. Plus, it was mean!

Signing off with an intial would be stupid. And there's, like, 3 other M girls in the gardening club.

Subliminal Messages | Melliot | The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now