meeting the past

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I ran to the ER as fast as i could seeing this person who was filled with scars on his face all soaked in water ,he was wearing a suit i remember he was wearing a black tux with a black  necktie had a brown bracelet on but it was almost ruined  seaweeds were all over his tux ,was he tolerated ? Or was it a suicide ? I couldn't recognize the face because of these scars on his face it was very scary .

" Dose he have an ID card ?"

"We searched all over he has nothing !"

"Then how are we going to contact his family ?"

"I found his phone but it's all wet and might be broken "

"That's not ganna do ! I need to take him to the operation room immediately "

"Yes doctor we'll prepare the operation room right away "

The nurses run to the operation room while i check this person's appeal ,he was barely breathing i touched his chest to see if there's any broken bones in his ribcage . As soon as i put my hand this man maons out of pain ,there must be a broken bone in his rib cage !!! He needs x ray !
I asked a nurse to get him full examination before surgery so it will go well and as planned .

He was really mear to death if someone hasn't called to save him .then realization hits me right away !

Who called the hospital ? Maybe i can get the head of the thread to solve this and know this mans name so we can at least tell his family .

"Who called the hospital when you got this drowned patient ?"
I ran to the hospital reseption and asked the nurses

"Uhhhh this person didn't say his name but he was a man "

"How did he sound like ?"

"I don't remember actually !"

I shook my head smacking the table near me placing my hand on my head then i was called to the Operation room to do his surgery .

He had many old scars on many parts of his body like of he was tolerated by someone and hit him with 1000 knifes on his stomach ,it was very scary but i had to take it untill i finish the surgery and save his live .

During the surgery the patient was losing alot of blood  we had almost 2 liters  of blood in our hands in the operation room it was good enough for him but we didn't expect that he'd lose blood this quickly he was soaked in blood my face was also saoked up in blood he was a type AB so it was easy to get  quickly .

I spent 2 hours doing his surgery trying to be careful and not miss any broken bone or a rib ,he was literally half dead if he wasn't taken to the hospital .

After 3 hours in the operation room the surgery was has finished and thankfully it was a success he was taken to a private room to get treated .

Wow it was very hot in the operation i could barely get my  head straight ,i walked out took off my surgery gown washed my face in the sink and looked at myself in the mirror questioning myself , what if tine was dead ?
No no no that's wrong i shouldn't think like this .

He never tried to contact me ofcours but i tried to reach him his friends ,his family but non of them knows where he could be , he disappeared suddenly and left no trace For him .

by that time i was devastated lost lonely needing for any clue to find him not leaving any person who knows tine to ask , it was hetic for me it's like a piece of my heart left me with a big scar in my chest this is how i loved tine , tine is my world i want him back in my life but he's gone now .

I spent those 3 years like a crazy person going around in the city everywhere anywhere then i figured out he had gone abroad that's what i thought then .

After my night shift started it was about 3 am in the morning i was walking in the corridor of the hospital heading to my room to take a rest before starting the shift in like 15 minutes .
Man was sleeping on the bed in the room he did a great job today and deserves a rest too .

I entered the room throwing my self into the bed to sleep at least for 10- 15 minutes the day was very long longer than i expected .

And i started thinking of that patient that i treated a while ago ,it felt weird getting to touch this man it was like a spark in my head exploded without a reason ,i must be tierd i guess no wonder i spent 3 hours in the operation room not taking a time to rest .

I tossed and turned on the bed  , something about this man makes me really curious I don't know why but it gave me this  urge to go and check on him in the ICU .

I went there not listening to my head which are saying don't go you don't need to go , here i was standing at the door of the ICU  room my heart is beating like crazy it won't stop as if there was a blood rush going through my whole body .

I grabbed the door knob and put on the mask and some gloves to protect him from any germs , i opened the door afraid of what i would see he wasn't awake and he was covered up with a nylon around his bed so no one can touch him , the oxygen mask was covering his face but i could see his eyes twitching his hands were very white this feeling of touching them came to me giving me hints to touch his hand .

The scars were covering his face and i could barely recognize his face should i remove the mask to see who could it be? What gave me this urge to come see him when I don't even know him?
I should just leave then .

I was about to leave when this happened !
He moved his finger he was about to wake up on the verge of waking up god what should I do ?

I'm a doctor for crying out loud i should check him and see if he's ok!

I took off his mask ..... that's when i knew it was him

Tine teepakorn

I really found this chapter hard to write i was about to cry seeing sarawat suffer like that all these years will he able to fix what happened ?

Will sarawat reunited with tine after 3 years of being away from eachother ?

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