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Staring at his brittle body with her empty blue eyes she couldn't seem to forge any type of emotion to surface. Florrie was unaware of her surroundings as the only thing she could focus on was her loved ones deceased body, fitted in his favourite suit and tie she had picked out for him to wear on this special occasion. For Florrie was deemed to make his final appearance his best, she felt it was her duty to cover up cracks in their relationship although the harder she thought about it the more scarce it seemed. Not one single emotion faltered on her smooth, freckled face. She pleaded her self-conscious to rack up many tears for her beloved but not one pooled her pastel blue eyes.

Damn-it, Florrie thought as she dropped to her knees in despair. She could hear the clock that stood above his casket ticking as if it where inside her head, a constant reminder of how much time she had left. The side room was not yet prepared for guests as the undertaker was making final preparations to his makeup, assuring that he looked alive and ready. 

The small room suffocated Florrie when the undertaker informed her that he was ready to go. Florrie wasn't ready for a hurricane of condolences, sympathetic smiles and people who barley even knew him giving out a speech as if it where their brother. It was sick in Florries opinion, she wanted this moment to be over with so she could go back to the comfort of her own home where she would feel safe enough to let out a sob or two. Meredith, Florries mother crouched down beside her casting a protective arm around her small daughter.

"Mum, I don't feel anything" Florrie had said in monotone whilst her frail hands shook in the slightest.

"Its the shock, love. Its normal for someone your age. It even happened to me when your grandfather passed on" she said with a sorry smile nudging her daughter in the rib making her look up into her mothers glassy hazel eyes. 

Florrie smiled sadly, before her mother got up to observe her son in-laws angelic features. "C'mon lets show off this beautiful boy for the last time" she sniffled before harshly swiping away the stray tears on her golden cheeks. Her daughter sighed before getting up to escort her frail mother towards the ceremony room, giving one last glance at his body that seemed more than welcoming for Florrie to bury her face in his neck. 

Slowly but surely Florries eyes drifted away towards the ceremony room where, for a little while, she'd be able to forget the matters at hand which with held her emotions and hid them somewhere even Florrie had no clue of.


Sat impatiently picking at her nails Florrie couldn't bare the tension that hung in the air like a wasp trapped in the car. Moving closer to her mother to subside the smothering feeling that radiated from the crowded ceremony room, Florries eyes rested on the golden frame that stood tall at the bottom of the podium speaker.

Her now dry eyes studied the photo over and over, his wispy brown curls hung in waves, stunning green eyes that looked warm and welcoming and his heart shaped lips forming a large smile that popped his dimples out and revealed his white teeth.


Florrie remembered the day she had taken that photo and it was one of those moments where you had to snap a photo to treasure the wonderful memories for the rest of your life. Resting on a palm tree in Thailand where they had adventured on their break, It was their get away to spend every living ans breathing second together. The best part about the photo is that it was both his and Florries happiest moments together, and that was something Florrie stood to keep. To keep that moment playing on through her head for as long as she could remember it.

"Today we are gathered here" the priest snapped Florrie out of her thoughts, "for the open casket ceremony of Harry Edward Styles" Florrie felt her breathing catch in her throat as she could feel herself whelming up, was it safe to let some longing pain escape?

After a few words from loved ones and both Florries and his parents they had called her up for a final word, of course she had politely refused as she wasn't ready for any kind of stand up talk on his life story. She wasn't ready to talk about him, hell she wasn't ready for anything that came her way.

One by one people entered the side room which was candle lit with plenty of his favourite flowers hung around his black casket. The interior of his casket was white, but not nearly as white as his long bony fingers. Finally, after many visits it was Florries, her parents had recently entered with Anne, Robing and Des, his parents.

Shakily she walked into the small room in which everyone had evicted to give her some space, not that Florrie would stay for long. As she approached his casket she solemnly looked at his eyelids half expecting them to flutter open and reveal those emerald jewels. 

Florrie had to cough before finding her voice to speak up, "I still-I...still believe you're here" she croaked timidly placing a hand on the side of the casket.

Then she snapped, she broke before his lifeless body, he was a shell of his past as she was a shell of the girl she used to be, the girl she used to be when she was with him. Tears spilled down the apples of her pink cheeks as she crumpled to the floor only now realizing that what she had just said was something she couldn't believe int. She tried to be strong, she held it in for as long as possible but  the thought of never being able to see his eyes glow for her stabbed at her throbbing heart. 

Florries breathing was ragged as her chest would rise and fall rapidly, her eyes blurred with tears that ran down her cheeks and wet her neck as she lie on the floor. Her world wasn't ever as bright as it would be with him in it, without him there was nothing. Florries now grey eyes began to close as her body trembled and she could hear someone at the back of her head whisper "Its the shock, love"

Darkness consumed her frail body.

FlorriéWhere stories live. Discover now