t h r e e

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February 4th, 6:24 2014

- later the same night -

I sighed trudging in through the front door of our house, I could hear laughter above meaning only one thing. Today had a big impact on my physical state as well as my mental one, I had worked non-stop all day and to top that I had an awkward interview with Harry although my nerves ceased once I was comfortable. Nonetheless it was exhausting.

Kicking my timberlands off I headed up to my room to reveal my cream curtains drawn and my pristine bed sheets untouched. I frowned seeing my pillows were missing from the bed, I walked over to my mirrored cupboard to pull it open in search for some well deserved pillows.

I staggered back when I felt a wight on top of me consistently hitting me with the soft fabric of my dearest pillow.

"Floooorenccee!" A familiar male voice sing-songed giving me one last whack with the soft fabric. At this point in my life I never minded people calling me by Florence.

His brown fluffy hair styled up into a high quiff alluring you into his soft brown eyes. He stood up with one muscular arm out stretched for me to grab hold of. 

"Chris!" I exclaimed throwing my arms around his neck to pull him into swift hug not to make it too awkward. He laughed into my hair before pulling away with a wide grin, I smiled fondly at hum until i looked around the room and noticed Sam wasn't with him.

"where's Sam?" I asked taking the pillow from his hands and holding it close to my chest for protection.

"He's visiting his mum in New York so I thought I'd come surprise you," he smiled before puffing up his cheeks.

"Oh! well make yourself- who am I kidding? fetch me some food?" I said nonchalantly raising my eyebrow expectantly.

Chris scoffed but hesitantly headed over to my door looking over at me with a mock grumpy expression before leaving. I however shed from my damp trench coat, as it were spitting and cool outside, and dove onto my welcoming bed. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and pulled up an app after a while of scrolling through my twitter. Soon Chris entered with a large pack of maltesers balancing on his arm whilst he strolled in slowly holding two hot beverages. I slashed my phone out in front of me quickly which gave out the sound of a whip.

"Whipped as hell I see," I smirked taking the hot chocolate from his hands and sitting cross legged.

"yeah yeah, just you wait until I tell you my news," Chris sipped at his hot chocolate, obtaining a smirk when his eyes flicked to my confused pair.

I sipped on my beverage before setting it down by my nightstand, "What's the news," I asked eagerly.

"well, I met a guy," Chris stated slowly, "He's single" he chirped still sipping from my Marvel mug, "And I kinda promised him you'd-"

I cut him off already getting his drift, "nope" I said popping the 'p' like my favorite youtuber, Danisnotonfire. Theoretically, he was on fire.

Chris groaned at my anti-socialness flailing his arms in the air. What? did he expect me to say 'Yeah! sure! I really wanted to engage in flirtatious convocation with the opposite sex! sign me up for that booty," no. I mean if he was referring to a certain sex god, for say Zac Effron then I'd be all up in his grill for details. But its a no from me.

"Please! his name is William and he's real nice and I was positive you'd get along real well too," He nodded his head excitedly somewhat like a puppy.

I tried my best to resist but 1/3 of my brain thought maybe it was a good call, so naturally I thought what the hell and replied with,"Fine" letting out a groan.

"Yes! get some William!" Chris roared pulling us into an awkward hug since both our legs where crossed.

He let go and I sighed picking up the TV remote flicking through the channels before coming to a stop, "The big bang theory!" I squealed, struggling to lay on my stomach. Chris laughed before joining me.

We always used to do this before Chris moved an hour away to live with Sam, I didn't mind much but I did miss him every now and then. Me, Chris and Tori always used to watch The big bang theory on a Saturday night, it was our trade religion.


After Chris was safely tucked asleep on a blow up air mattress, that seemed to have met its day due to Chris' constant complaint about his sore bum, my mind drifted to a handsome, lean man. The Harry guy that we had jumped to hire at our bakery would not leave my mind and I think it was his curls and the way he'd brush them out of his face with his large majestic hands.

His hands. He wasn't human to have those hands because they almost seemed to large for himself, if he tried he could probably hold my entire arse with one of those things. I didn't want him to try.

Or maybe that was a little white lie, but I would never admit to that.

I felt around my bed for the small stuffed Koala, Mufasa, and clutched him to my chest bringing the sheets over my shoulders for protection. Finally, I could get to sleep.

Yeah I still sleep with a stuffed toy, I'm not exactly proud of it but I just hated sleeping on my own and spooning with Mufasa was the only way I could sleep knowing I wasn't entirely alone. Mufasa was a bit old as he had a fluffy, but malting, coat that was grey and a chewed up paw since my old hamster accidentally wandered off and ate him. Oswald, I missed Ozzy.

I pouted at the thought but then frowned realizing I was blabbering because I was sleepy. It was 10:26pm now. 

I quickly shut my eyes and thought of nothing and concentrated on my breathing. Soon enough I was back to thinking of curly hair and large hands that could do more than roll some dough at the bakery.

I think that's where I fell asleep.


Sorry its just a filler but I have exams so I'll be back... tomorrow maybe? but I can't make promises. Thanks for the support guys! x

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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