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Okay I should put a disclaimer on how weird I am sooo, disclaimer. Enjoy!

Florries P.O.V 

"Ah, Florrie, just in time to interview this fine young man" my mum said nodding towards the man who's eyes bore into my soul with something more than curiosity. I slowly padded over towards the three peering over at Tori who wiggled her eyebrows before looking back to the man. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles" His voice made my dick hard and I don't even have a dick, it was silky and soft yet rough and raspy if it was possible that there was an in between then he would be there. He stuck out his large tanned hand for me to grasp with my dainty hands, when his long fingers clasped around mine I felt my cheeks heat up from the sudden intimacy I was having with a stranger. Making eye contact with a stranger is enough but shaking their hand was sexual, I felt like he's seen me naked or something and it messed with my already slaughtered brain, and that was behalf of his godly features. 

I spoke quietly looking down at my now fascinating combat boots, "Ditto, my names Florrie." I flickered my eyes back up to his face to see he had a wide smile plastered onto his face popping out two adorable dimples that made him a thousand times more intimidatingly hot. My mum soon broke the socially awkward moment we where having by ordering me to interview Harry. I nodded before gesturing Harry over to a small booth at the corner of the room next to the window that let the morning sun lather us in its golden glow. i grabbed a note pad and pen before sliding in across from Harry, His knees brushing against mine as his dusty green eyes twinkled at me.

"Sooo, Harry how old are you?" I said awkwardly trying to avoid his stare that was warm and kind, nonetheless it made me uncomfortable. "I just turned twenty one" he said smoothly, his dimples never ceasing, I nodded and scribbled down his information on the note pad.

I cleared my throat, "Have you any hobbies?" Harry placed his large hands on the table and lent in approximately an inch from my nose, which made me tremble and blush like an absolute spoon. "I recall applying for a job at the bakery not applying for a dating show" He winked before letting out an unmanly giggle, that giggle made me want to punch myself in throat repeatedly.

"Oh no, I-um, it just states here that I sho-" I stuttered nervously before being interrupted, "I'm messing with you Florrie" he grinned widely at my awkwardness, probably.


After ten minutes of questions and awkward situations, well in my eyes it was awkward but Harry was outgoing so it was probably normal to him, we had finally finished up. Harry had ordered us two large strawberry milkshakes ten minutes before the store opened, which where free of charge of course, this gave me time to decide wither to give him the placement or not.

I mean there where plenty of other people who could've wanted this job and hadn't had the time to send in a application form, but by the looks of Harrys forms and resumes he was the perfect placement. I decided to take him aboard since I had already warmed up to him and became tired with socializing and interviewing.

Slurping on the last of my strawberry milkshake I move my blue eyes to Harry's green ones that where already staring at me, I sat back in my seat and stared at him and his soft-looking curls.

"You can either start next Monday or. well, whenever you're ready" I smiled up at his already growing toothy smile. "Thank you-so-so-so-so much" Harry sang entwining his hands turning his knuckles white.

Harry and I stood up from the booth, "I'll come in next Monday, thank you so much Florrie" he bobbed his head bouncing his fluffy curls on his head. I stuck my hand out for another sexual handshake only be avoided with his long arms clasping around my tiny frame and pressing my body to his. This is the most sexuality I've had in the last year since Christian and I broke up. I felt harassed and mushy all at once, this was too much for one hour and that hour happened to be at seven in the morning.My brain has probably had enough of my shit and started packing its bags ready  to move out.

When he released me I let out a breath I never knew I was holding, my eyes began to water at the amount of blood that filled my cheeks. "I'll see you Monday, Florrie" Harry said gratefully before squeezing my shoulder and sauntering off to the front door.

And that was my first encounter with H.

Sorry its not much but Its late and I couldn't wait to post so I just. The next chapter will be alot better...hopefully. thanks for reading and supporting!

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