06 : past unlocked

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Narrative (for better understanding)


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Junseok's past

7 years ago

"Pfft look at him, his dad left him because he is a naughty kid hahaha" the kids grinned

"I know right, he is a bad kid. Let's not go close to him" spoke another kid

The kid sitting in the corner with his tears holding back said "don't cry junseok" to himself "you have mommy!" he tried to cheer himself up but he couldn't think straight

Everyday it was the same drama for baby Junseok
His Kindergarten days were like hell and nothing changed after he started his elementary school either.
The poor child would always be by himself, isolated by all the kids around him.
In highschool hopefully he made some friends and they eventually became really close to even debut together on stage.

One thing that you didn't know was that he has been searching for his dad for so long, since he was talented he decided to make a debut so he could get noticed by everyone. Maybe one day he would get noticed by his dad in the crowd.

Junseok would never lose hope, never.

- 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂 - Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now