17 : Ring up the curtain

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"Yeonjun could you try to call Junseok?" you demanded yeonjun to call him since he wasn't picking up for a while now

"Uhm sure one second" he rushed to call him

it said the same thing as your phone did

The person you are calling right now is not available at the moment, please call later or leave a voicemail

You implied that maybe he still hasn't finished his schedules and is busy, so you waited for two more days but no replies nor calls were to be seen

That's when you called one of his members

"Hello Junseok's mother, unfortunately we are also not able to contact him. The manager told us that something came up so he took some days off" stated his member concerned

"Do you know if anything happened recently?" you asked hoping it would help you find any reasons for his vanishing

"Uhm if I am not wrong I remember one of the members called him to get his mail the other day, apparently it was something important" the member implied giving it some thought

A letter?
What kind of letter could have made him unreachable

Wait a second...
It can't be a threat right?

"Thank you for telling me, keep on working hard and stay healthy" you wished him as if he were your own son

You started to feel anxious and we're scared something happened to him so you decided to contact the police but someone else called you instead

In the mean time

"Sir you have a visitor" declared the staff

"Let them in" yeonjun reinforced putting his files away

a familiar figure came barging into the office trying to catch his breath

He was drenched from all the rain and appeared fragile

"J-Junseok? What happend to you" yeonjun stood up immediately and run to him placing one hand on his shoulder

"What is your real name Choi Daniel?" a gelid voice echoed inside the room

At this point the atmosphere looked absolutely dreadful

Junseok was staring at Yeonjun with pure hate

Yeonjun was surprised by Junseok's tone and by the unexpected question

this is when Yeonjun knew that
the time had come
it was time for him to reveal who he really was

"It's Choi Yeonjun" his lips pursued

"You knew didn't you?" Junseok laughed ruefully in pain

Yeonjun looked at him with sorrow and affliction

tears started to fall down Yeonjuns face as soon as he saw his son's emotional face

"You knew I was your son all along, and approached me and my mother intentionally" Junseok broke down in cries out of rage

Yeonjun came closer to Junseok and embraced his son for the first time in 15 years

"I am so sorry Junseok...I am so sorry son" yeonjun hugged his dearly child tightly

"Father...." Junseok let his muffled cries out

Junseok felt betrayed by his own father, he thought he never had one to begin with and still was confident enough to think there was a small chance that his biological father was still alive

He never even possibly envisioned that the person he called hyung was is father.

The father he wanted to love, learn about and the father he wanted as his role model,
he was right under his nose all this time


The file said "To my dear healing"

"Yeonjun there is something I have to tell you dear,
by the time you read this I probably won't be here anymore but you still must live on and live for me.
I worked so hard to bring you to this world my sweetheart. Please do it for your mother healing.
Be happy and live to the fullest.

There is something your father is afraid to tell you so I wanted to tell you in person, however it's too late so I am writing to you.

Dear, out here you have a son who's name is Lee Junseok , who is waiting for you to reach up to him and a person who you will start to have feelings for and love them to bits. Please find them and protect the family you once saved the lives of. It's my last wish honey"

Yeonjun was beyond shocked and left dismayed

his father hid this fact from him for all these years

suddenly he clocked that Junseok was born just when he left for the US

it was unusual that his father unexpectedly made that decision when he was doing so well in his debut

his father knew all along and wanted to avoid the poor reputation

This is where his mission started, he wanted to find his son and the girl who he had his child with. He would fall in love with her and take back what he lost

which would be

an opportunity

a family

Something that could've changed his life completely even for a moment

The most important rule was that he would had to pretend as if he knew nothing about them

- 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂 - Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now