before we begin...

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hi! I'm Ivy, and you probably know me from my dc imagines book, Ao3, or my art on Tumblr! I've been out of the reader-insert game for a minute, but the break has given me time to become a better writer. I've written small preferences in the past before, but nothing beats a huge book of them!

These will be in a more headcanon-like style since I wanted to include as many characters as I could. If you have any requests for a preference I am always open to hearing them! Drop them here and I'll get back to you soon. Some chapters might be posted out of order.

Thank you for reading, enjoy!


characters in this collection:

dependable, adaptive, energetic, hotheaded.
Age: 27 years old, currently Nightwing
Era: fingerstripes, Bludhaven hero, Titans leader.
*I'll be writing him as a social worker instead of a cop 💅
Runs to Reference: 1996 Nightwing, slight Rebirth Nightwing, with a sprinkle of his other 90s appearances that I liked.

calculating, optimistic, self-assured, unrelenting.
Age: 30 years old, currently Oracle (milf)
Era: mid-Oracle era during the height of Birds of Prey
Runs to Reference: 90s BoP, her appearances in both Cass and Stephanie's Batgirl books. Will be avoiding Burnside Babs like the plague 🤧

extremely empathetic, perfectionist, perceptive, self-punishing.
Age: 21 years old, current Batgirl
Era: her own Batgirl run, pre-n52
Runs to Reference: Batgirl 2000, her appearances in Detective Comics at the time, etc. Basically just 90s Cass bc it's my fav era 🥰

judicial, empathetic, intelligent, cynical.
Age: ~20, pit confuses shit
Era: I guess you could call this the fanon era between anti-hero Jason and the Jason who abides by the no-kill rule for a hot second/uses rubber bullets.
Runs to Reference: RHatO (very pickily), some parts of UtRH, and the cute n52 moments where he's closer w his family 💖

caring, humorous, animated, self-conscious.
Age: 19, first year of Gotham U
Era: figuring-out-Batgirl, but Bruce is back from the dead and the family isn't in shambles oof
Runs to Reference: Batgirl 2009, late in Tim's Robin run, and her appearances in Cass's Batgirl.

dutiful, passionate, intelligent, self-deprecating.
Age: 19, first year as Red Robin.
Era: Bruce is back from the dead, so Tim is finding his own place, etc. I know RR is Tim's sad boy years and I like my Tim a little peppier, so he'll go to therapy lol
Runs to Reference: Robin 1993, Red Robin, and careful bits of Tynion's Detective Comics run

willful, charismatic, imaginative, rebellious.
Age: 18, a senior in high school figuring out superheroing in the daytime.
Era: The Signal, training w Batman and living w his cousin Jay. I'm going to do my best to avoid fanon Duke since it doesn't get him right at all lol
Runs to Reference: We Are Robin, Robin War, his other appearances in Batman, etc. Everything!!

emotional, loyal, strategic, closed-off.
Age: 18 or older bc we aren't gross 💖
Era: late Robin, senior at Gotham Academy, and leads his own team of Titans. On the cusp of making his own identity, but too attached to Robin to make a real decision.
Runs to Reference: both Robin solos bc yes Damian reads manga in canon (PLEASE read his current one, the art alone is worth it), Super Sons, Batman and Robin 2011, etc.

Runs to Reference: both Robin solos bc yes Damian reads manga in canon (PLEASE read his current one, the art alone is worth it), Super Sons, Batman and Robin 2011, etc

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