Chapter 3 - The time to take action.

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Donald had been running over his plan in a dazed matter. He had to get this plan perfected before he got called into the office. It had to be perfect..
"Donald into my office please"
"I see you were out of class. Aren't you supposed to be in Mr Worldwides class"
"Yes Sir"
"But you weren't.. why was that"
"I-um ...I"
Principle Obama stared down Donald with fierce  eyes. Pushing the answer out of him, the words gradually landing on the tip of his tongue.
"I was staring at my crush" Donald bursted out.
Which technically wasn't a lie but it also wasn't true either.
"Ah love.. Can get you in all sorts of trouble. So who's the lucky girl ;)"
"oh um" Obama greeted him with the same fierce stare as before.
"It's Gordina.."  okay that was a lie . He thought to himself. Shit how was he gonna get himself out of this on. Hopefully his so called plan would work in his favour.

[in the office]
"So Donald.. why did you think it was okay out of lesson staring at your crush"
"I- um . I don't know"
"why did you think it was okay out of lesson staring at your crush Mr Trump"

Donald's palms started to get sweaty and his words started to get more confusing by the minute. Just as Donald was about to tell the truth, his ticket out of this whole mess burst through the door saving him from the embarrassing confession.

"sir there's a fight in the school cafe, a food fight sir."

"well Donald I guess I'll have to let you go for now , Gordina thanks for letting me know" winking at Donald. Walking into the door shortly after.

Principle Obama walked out muttering under his breath about how he doesn't get paid enough for his job. But that didn't matter right now Donald had to start phase 1 of his plan.

"sooo... " Donald started
"what?.. Are you gonna ask me to fuck me cos I really don't want to"
"NO! no i mean no .. God no"
"oh .. then.. carry on"
"um so.. I know this sounds weird but could we maybe um.."
"stop stuttering you orange umpalumpa looking ass"
"oh right yeah um"
"FINE  could we fake date so I can prove to myself that I'm not a gay freak like jesus and that I definetly DO NOT wanna fuck him"
"uhm .. sounds weird but sure. Your popular so ull increase my popularity"
"oh okay that was easier than. expected"
"so you gotta plan for all of this ?"
"yeah maybe just date around for like a month or so ? then we pretend we um.. fucked? and then we break up after jesus cries and you gain popularity and then my friends won't bully me for liking a boy"
"sounds good"
"okay time to take action!" Donald jumped on the air landing in a weird squatting position.
"okay what the fuck are you doing.."

sorry I didnt update but guess what abby hasn't either 🙄

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