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The loud rustle for people gathering their things sounded. The plane had just earlier landed in Sydney Australia. As the Australian sun blared through the small window beside me onto my lap, it finally hit me, this is my new home.

The orange light was warm on my bare thighs. My denim shorts barely visible underneath the hem of my oversized tee. I had changed earlier on the plane from sweatpants and a cardigan since back in London November is typically pretty cold. Finally it was my rows turn to exit the plane. The older couple sat beside me rose to their feet shuffling out into the isle. They had stored their carryons in the overhead bin, and had been struggling to get the out carefully.

"Oi, Hurry up you old bags, i've got places to be!" A young man about two rows back shouted.

"Oh shut it, you fucking imbecile!" I shouted back flipping my middle finger his way as i inched my way into the isle.

The man had coiled back into his seat embarrassed, his face turning bright red not too long after.

"Here, let me help you guys." i started, grabbing each of their bags and lowering them carefully to the ground. "There, have a wonderful evening." I finished as they began their way out of the plane.

Grabbing my backpack from my seat i followed suit. The airport was absolutely packed, as i had predicted. I had read in a magazine that quite a lot of travelers visit Sydney for the summer. Especially where i was headed. Bondi Beach. I had somehow found an apartment for rent right across from the beach. I was a bit weary that all of the good ones would have been taken, but i guess i must have happened upon some luck.

i hopped into a small smelly taxi and began my journey, there was quite a lot of traffic as well so in the mean time i decided to read my magazine once more.

"tens of thousands of tourists and locals visit Bondi Beach daily." i read aloud in shock.

"Oh yeah, This your first time visiting?" The taxi driver chimed in.

"Yes, i'm quite excited actually. Anything you suggest doing?" I replied.

"I'd definitely visit the beach, it's a beautiful place. Along the beach there are a few bars and clubs as well, if your into that type of stuff." The driver explained.

A few moments of silence went by as i continued reading my magazine, flipping through each page adding to my excitement.

"Alright, there you are. Bondi Beach." The driver interrupted, pulling over in front of the apartment building.

He hopped out of the car and made his way to get my suitcase out of the trunk.

I quickly gathered all of my belongings, and hopped out of the car as well. As i rose to my feet my gaze was met with the beautiful sight of Bondi Beach.

"Wow, it's stunning." i exclaimed, amazement plastered across my face.

"It really is, anyways i hope you have a great time." the driver said, before hopping back into his car and driving off.

Leaving me standing on the sidewalk surrounded by my luggage, in a complete daze.

"Hi, you must be y/n Gillies, am i correct?" A woman beside me interrupted, stretching out her hand to greet me.

"Y-yes that would be me." I responded, quickly grabbing and shaking her hand.

The woman whistled and two large men shuffled out of the building. each of the men grabbed my luggage and brought it inside. The men and the woman guided me up to my apartment, placing my luggage inside and leaving me with the key.

Once the three strangers were gone, i entered my new home. It was gorgeous, the were huge ceiling to floor windows facing the beach, and it had a huge bed that was very soft to the touch.

It was getting pretty late, and i was quite tired from the long day of traveling so i decided to go to bed.

Bondi Bonding // A Chappo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now