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We had been at the bar for an hour just talking, drinking, and having a good time.

Me and the boys had definitely bonded and become quite close after hanging out all day.

Chappo was talking and laughing with Harries by the bar.

Me, Jesse, and Harrison were jamming out on the dance floor doing the macarena.

It took some convincing and beers to get Jesse out there.

The last time i saw Maxi he told me and the boys that he was going to go hang with a girl.

"Ayyy Macarena!" The three of us shouted as the song came to an end.

Jesse slung his right arm over my shoulder and i slung my left on his, as we stumbled over to Chappo and Harries.

"Chap, did you see us doing the macarena? Harrison? Where's that boy?" i drunkenly asked, scanning the big room for the young boy as i spoke.

"I sure did, some nice moves you got there. Harrison is right behind you." Chappo chuckled as he pointed to the young kiwi hovering behind me.

Harrison looked like a lost puppy, but he had a huge smile on his face.

"Oh, hi you little kiwi." i said, poking him lightly on the tip of his nose. i began giggling.

Harrison joined me in giggling and Harries tired to compose himself, as his eyes began to tear up in laughter.

The good mood was soon interrupted as i felt a hand grab onto my butt. As fear forced itself into my mind, i seemed to have slightly sobered up.

"Hey, Get your hands off of me!" i shouted turning around to face the person.

It was a man. A very large man at that. He was tall, maybe about 6 foot 3 inches. He was VERY muscular. And he was dressed as a typical douche.

"A 'Thank you' would've been nicer. I'm Blaine, What's a hottie like yourself doing with these losers." The man spoke.

"As if i would thank you for touching me without my permission. Ever heard of assault? And I'm pretty sure you are the only loser here tonight. Now please, go away, i'm not interested." i plainly stated, waving my hand in a shooing motion.

Blaines face physically turned red as he grabbed onto my wrist.

"Oh come on honey, i know you want me." Blaine started as he grabbed onto his crotch and began thrusting towards me.

"Hey mate, she said back off!" I heard a familiar voice shout from behind me. It was Chappo.

"Yeah man, just get outta here." Jesse added.

Blaine turned as if he were going to leave. Suddenly he flashed back around pulling one of my tank top straps and exposing my boobs to the public. Thankfully i was wearing a bra, so i wasn't completely exposed.

Within seconds i heard cat calling whistles and my mind blacked out.

Suddenly i came back to, Harrison and Jesse were covering me with their bodies.

I pulled my top back up and looked around for Harries and Chappo.

i heard the rest of the bar shouting and a group of men clustered around in a circle.

i tried my best to catch a glimpse of the action, two men were fighting. I recognized one of them immediately. it was Blaine, as i looked closer i soon realized who the second person was.

"Oh my god, Chappo!" i shouted.

i squeezed through the circle with Jesse and grabbed onto the back of Blaines tight black v neck t-shirt.

Once he turned to see who grabbed him i swung my fist into his face.

i must have hit him quite hard, because he almost immediately fell unconscious. Jesse pulled him off, as i helped Chappo to his feet.

"Chap, are you ok? Does anything hurt? What can i do to help?" i asked concernedly, guiding him out of the bar and away from all of the commotion.

I sat down on a bench and guided him to join me.

"I'm alright, just a few bruises. The bloke may be big, but he is a horrible fighter. He only just got a few punches in." He responded smiling and chuckling as tried to catch his breathe.

I giggled at his response but the worry within me stayed a little longer as i noticed a few purple bruises forming on his left arm.

"What even happened? i blacked out after he pulled my top down. Wait, you didn't see anything did you?" i asked, my cheeks starting to turn pink, embarrassedly.

"I was watching him walk away, and when i saw him pull your top down i don't know what came over me. And no i didn't see anything, i just saw your shirt fall down. I just got so angry. I lunged at him and tackled him to the floor. No woman should ever be treated like that, especially you." he confessed, his cheeks turning red and a slight frown forming on his face as he recalled Blaines actions.

I blushed at his last words, quickly pulling him into a hug, bringing his attention back to our conversation rather than his anger towards Blaine.

His body had been quite tense but as soon as he noticed the hug, i felt him loosen up and return the favor by wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you. I don't know what i would have done or what would've happened if you weren't there." i whispered into his ear.

He tightened the hug before he began to reply. "Anytime. We should probably get you home soon, no? It's almost 10:30.

"Oh right, probably. I've got work tomorrow." i remembered.

The main reason that i had moved here, and i almost completely forgot about it.

"I'll walk you home." Chappo offered standing and out stretching his hand to mine. i grabbed it and we turned back towards the bar to let the other boys know where we were headed.

"Alright be safe, see you soon y/n." Jesse replied, waving goodbye.

"Bye Chips, Bye y/n!" Harrison shouted, giggling with Harries as they both waved.

Chappo and i began walking down the sidewalk towards my apartment. Our hands still interlaced.

"So, what do you do for work?" Chappo asked curiously.

"Well, i'm a pediatric emergency nurse. I was actually considered one of the best back in London. A few months ago Sydney Children's Hospital reached out to me and asked if i'd like to transfer. So here i am." I explained.

"Wow, that's awesome. How you liking Australia so far?" He questioned.

"I love it, it's absolutely gorgeous." i confessed, turning towards the darkened beach. The sky fading from orange to a dark blue.

Chappo followed my gaze.

"It really is." He added.

We soon arrived outside of my apartment building. I turned to face Chappo before i began to speak.

"I'll see you later?"

"Of course, you know where to find me. Goodnight y/n." he replied.

"Goodnight, Chappo." i said, leaning in and placing a kiss onto his cheek before waving and making my way up to my apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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