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About 15 minutes passed of Chappo and i talking in the shower.

"I'd love to stay here and talk to you all day, but you've got to get back to lifeguarding and i'm starting to feel better." i reminded.

Chappo giggled and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"I guess you're right...well if you're planning on staying at the beach, you're welcome to come up and hang in the tower with me for a bit." he offered, as we walked out of the shower.

He wrapped me and then himself in towels, and we made our way back to the tower.

We slowly walked side by side all the way across the street.

"If i'm going to hang out with you up here, i should probably go and get my stuff that i left down on the beach." i remembered.

"Alrighty, i can drive you over on the rhino if you'd like." he offered, walking with me down to the sand.

"I'd like that very much, Thank you."

"Of course, anytime. Hop on." he said, taking a seat in the same vehicle, and patting the seat beside him.

I quickly ran over, taking the seat.

i giggled each time he had honked at people to get out of the way. Out of the corner of my eye i could see him smiling and admiring me, as he giggled along with me.

"It's just right there." i reminded, pointing to my bag and towel only a few feet away.

Chappo pulled up beside it and just before i got up he jumped out of the rhino.

"I've got it." He said, grabbing my stuff and placing into the back of the rhino.

"You're so sweet." i complimented, flashing him a smile.

"Why thank you, gorgeous." he replied, winking, as he hopped back into his seat.

When we arrived back at the tower there were a few other lifeguards sitting by the windows.

"Alright, everyone this is y/n." Chappo greeted, all of the eyes in the room turning to look at me.

"Y/n this is Harrison, Maxi, Jesse, and Harries." he introduced, pointing to each of the men.

"Hi." I squeaked out.

Harrison and Maxi were sitting on the far left side, before we came in the had been quietly chatting. Jesse was sitting with his knees up, binoculars in hand. Harries had his shirt off. He reminded me a little bit of David Hasselhoff.

"Hello there beautiful." Harries was the first of the men to speak.

"Hey." Maxi and Jesse simply added.

Harrison must have been a bit shy, as he just gave me a quick little wave. Which i happy returned along with a smile.

"Here, you can sit in my chair. I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab another." Chappo said, guiding me to a chair between Jesse and Harries.

As I sat down and Chappo made his way out of the tower in search of a chair, Harries began to speak.

"So, What's a beautiful girl like yourself doing with Chappo?" He questioned, chuckling lightly.

i giggled a bit before answering.

"Well, i got stung by a blue bottle, and Chappo offered to help me. He even stung himself to take the thing off of me. He brought me over to the showers, and once i started to feel better he said i could hang out with him up here." I explained.

"Wait, you still had the blue bottle attached to you? That's a first." Jesse asked, lowering his binoculars and turning to look at you.

My cheeks quickly flushing red from embarrassment.

"Yeah, i'm new to Australia. I just moved here from London. I wasn't sure of what to do, so i just left it alone." I explained.

"Well, welcome to Bondi!" Maxi added, patting me on the shoulder and laughing.

Seconds later Chappo returned, a small office chair in tow. He placed the chair beside me next to Jesse, and took a seat.

For the rest of the day me and the boys shared some interesting conversations. Even Harrison participated a few times, he must have been warming up to me a bit.

Soon enough it reached 7 pm.

Me and Chappo were driving down the sand in the rhino picking up the signs and flags.

"I had a lot of fun today." i confessed.

"I'm glad to hear that, i did too." he replied placing a hand on my thigh.

i smiled at him and he did the same.

We pulled up to the tower, and i grabbed my belongings.

"Well, i should probably go get ready. Are the rest of the boys coming out for drinks?" i asked.

"Yeah, we go out for drinks on Fridays after our shift. Is that alright?" He replied.

"Of course it's alright, they all seem pretty cool to hang out with." I assured.

"Alrighty, see you at 8 then."

"See you at 8." i replied, waving back at him as i made my way across the street to my apartment.

I decided to wear a pair of white denim shorts and a purple tank top. For shoes i just slid on my white flip flops.

As the clock neared 8 pm, i made my way outside. As i made my way towards the tower i noticed five tall figures standing besides it.

"Y/n you made it!" Chappo shouted, signifying the rest of the men that i had arrived.

Each of the men greeted me with a small hug, and we began our way towards the bar.

The other four men were walking in front of me and Chappo. They were all chatting and laughing quite loudly.

Suddenly Chappo leaned towards me.

"You look beautiful, by the way." He admitted, his voice low and somewhat seductive.

As i turned towards him to reply, i met eyes with him. His eyes were gorgeous, they had this little sparkle that could just make you melt.

"Thank you, Really. You're too sweet." i said, pulling him into a tight side hug as we walked.

He smiled in response.

He pulled out of the hug and grabbed my hand, holding it with his own. His fingers interlaced with mine all the way to the bar.

Bondi Bonding // A Chappo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now