Evening At the Mannor

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Lucius sat at his desk, working away as usual for some business at the ministry of magic. Narcissa lay on the couch near by him not wanting to be far away from him. She sat reading, occasionally looking up from her book to stare at husband for a few moments before returning to her book. As the couple sat in silence Narcissa engrossed in her book and Lucius focussing on the documents in front of him. The dimly lit room
which had only three small lamps used light up the room, one on Lucius desk so he could see his papers and the two either side of the couch where Narcissa lay.

As Narcissa finished the last few lines of her book, she got up to fetch another and although she had hundreds to choose from, she more often then not, would reread her four favourite books over and over. She walked over to the wall length bookcase on the left side of the office she climbed the small step ladder to put the book away. Lucius look up from his paper work to gaze at his wife despite the huge amount of work he had to get through, he couldn't help but stare, watching as she reached to place her book neatly away in the correct place then looking at the books, deciding which one she would read next.

"Darling" Lucius spoke softly as not spook her.

"Yes dear." Narcissa turned her head to look at her husband.

"Come hear." He smirked and raised an eyebrow. She stared back at him for a few moments before climbing down the ladder and walking over to her husband his hand reaching out for hers as she approached she held his hand and he spun her around pulling her into his lap. Narcissa chuckled at the gesture. "Much better." He smiled softly, holding her closely. They sat quietly perfectly content just being in each other's company for a while.

When Lucius's hand began travelling down Narcissa's waist and landed on her arse giving it a soft squeeze Narcissa looked up from her husband's chest, whilst he looked down smirking at her.

"Darling," she spoke calmly "What do think your doing?"

"What is a man not allowed to hold is his wife." He replied innocently

She hummed in response and placed her head back on Lucius' chest he smirked at this and then all in one movement he moved her legs so she was straddling him and brought her arms up to his shoulders. Still slightly shocked by he had just done Narcissa remained quiet.

"I like this position a lot more." He cocked his eyebrow and looked over his wife's body "Allows for a much better view." He said still scanning over her body. Narcissa shook her head playfully and brought her hand from the his shoulder and brought it to his chin lifting it up returning his gaze to her eyes.

"My eyes are up here love." She said kissing him softly.

"I know dear." Lucius replied kissing her back, his hands pulling her in by her waist. Narcissa's hand moved to the back of his neck pulling him even closer. Making out like teenagers hiding from their parents it was rushed but gave them both butterfly's as after all this time married together they learnt knew exactly how to treat each other perfectly. Narcissa slowly began to pull away.

"Darling we have places to be tomorrow." She smiled softly. "Places where it would be best if weren't tired whilst attending" Lucius sighed deeply. She slowly stood up and brushing down her night gown. Then turning round to close his books for work and place them neatly away in the draw. Lucius just watched as his wife did this. Admiring as she then bent over ever so gracefully reaching for the bottom draw. Lucius slowly stood up behind his wife as, she put away the last notebook, he turned her around so she was facing him. Kissing her softly at first but with an ever growing passion. "Lucius" Narcissa spoke muffled by his lips pressed against hers. His hand travelled down her back. He slowly pulled away.

She smiled softly as she began to speak Lucius lifted her up bridal style. "I guess we should be off to bed then." He whispered in her ear. Narcissa giggled as Lucius walked through the manor and into their room they got into bed cuddled up and drifted off to sleep.

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