Chapter Thirteen

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Samantha entered her house and headed straight to the bathroom for a long soak in scented water. Thirty minutes later she put on fresh clothes and called Ian .

"My my, if it isn't my Sam calling." Ian's voice came through the receiver, "You've forgotten me dear one, has my boy been keeping you busy?"

"If I were you I would refrain from such talk." Sam rolled her eyes, "Wallace said you were here this morning, what did you want?"

"Just wanted to check in you since you weren't answering your house phone. So let's meet and you can tell me what you've been up to." It didn't sound like a question, so Sam just sighed and agree.

"Where and what time?" She asked

"Breakfast in 30 minutes at my place." He hung up before Sam could protest. She groaned and stood up to look for her hand bag and wallet. As she was about to step out of the door the phone rang again.

"Hey you said 30 minutes." She said into the phone.

"Oh, I hope this isn't a wrong number." A female voice said with a slight accent

"Oh sorry, was actually expecting a man," Sam answered politely, "So, who is it?"

"Sam this is Jennifer, you remember me?"

"Jennifer?" Sam tried to search her mind for a Jennifer she had given her number, then she remembered, "Oh yeah, I think I remember, you were the lady with the Gucci shoes." Sam said and Jennifer laughed at the description. "So how did you get my number, don't remember giving it?" Sam asked.

"Actually I looked through the log book, I really wanted so much to meet up with you and have a good talk." Jennifer said.

"Okey, no problem then, when are you free?"

"How about we have lunch today?" Jennifer asked.

"I'm sorry not today, got some program at lunch time." Sam said and there followed a short silence before Jennifer replied.

"No worry dear, we will schedule another better time." Jennifer said, "So lemme leave you to prepare for your lunch date." She said goodbye and hung up. Sam was left with a frown on her face, she wondered what they would discuss with Jennifer, then remembered her promising to teach her how to dress up and stuff, she shrugged and went outside, only to meet Ian outside the building leaning against his shinning sports car, he looked at his watch .

"Ten minutes late Miss," He said with a grin and Sam rolled her eyes.

"Let's just go." She entered the already opened passenger door and slumped in.

"So, I've been dying to see you since God knows when." Ian's said as he drove out of the drive way.

"Desperate much." Sam muttered to herself.

"Heard that, and yeah I'm that desperate, I'm your guardian last I remember." Ian chuckled to himself. Even though he hadn't known Sam for that long, he loved her like a daughter he never had. He wasn't a family man, he loved his travels. "So I'm taking you to my house for breakfast," He continued and Sam groaned, "What now Sam?" Ian groaned in return.

"I've already eaten a very heavy breakfast, Ian." She replied

"But you don't cook as far as I'm concerned, " Ian said and Sam glared at him.

"Hey, I can make myself coffee and omelette and other stuff." Sam defended herself

"Yes you can but not this early. And Wallace told me you came in just this morning since Friday night."

"Nosy douche." Sam muttered under her breath.

"So where did you...wait just a minute." It's like something had clicked in his mind, "Are you and my nephew already moving out?" He asked unbelieving, "Now that's not fair." Ian continued like he was offended. "I was supposed to know first. So when did it start? And how...?"

"Ian just shut up for a second." Sam cut him off, "Dude you are talking a mile a minute, what you even want to know I'm sure won't interest you, your like what, 70?" Sam rolled her eyes

"Hey, I'm just 50 for your information and yes I want to know what my kids have been up to lately, gosh you two are naughty, not telling me." He shook his head in unbelief.

"I know you knew already, so your getting no info from me, ask your nephew I'm sure he will oblige." Sam huffed and folded her hands on her chest, "What did you even want to tell me?" Ian was silent for a while as he parked the car in his driveway. He got out and opened her door then they entered inside the house.

"I'm travelling to Asia on Tuesday. " Ian said suddenly

"But..but.." Sam stuttered with a confused look, "why? Won't You ever settle down? How long are you gonna continue travelling like this and what are you even looking for?" Sam asked

"Well my dear, one day maybe ill find what I'm looking for."

"Well, you are looking in all the wrong directions, Abel needs you, even if you are both too proud and stubborn to admit it. How do you think he feels when you are caring this much for a mere woman you don't know from Adam? My guardians I thank them handed me over to you but that didn't mean you should forget you have a nephew who might need help once in a while. Don't go anywhere, spend some time with Abel." Sam looked at Ian silently and wished he could listen for once.

Ian shook his head at the girl that stared pleadingly at him. How he wished he could do what she had said, but there was a lot she didn't know and he didn't wish for her to worry more because she seemed like the only same person who seemed to understand. He shook his head again, "You don't know what you are asking me my dear." He smiled and looked at his watch, "It's almost mid day, I'm sure my nephew would want a few hours with you for lunch."

"But we haven't even discussed a thing." Sam complained, now she didn't even want to go, she felt something wasn't right and she wanted to cling to this man before her and prevent him from going anywhere.

"You wouldn't want to keep Abel waiting now, would you, dear?" He seemed to be set on what he wanted. Sam stood up disappointed and went to stand by the door. "On second thought, lemme call Abel to pick you up from here instead. Be right back." He said and climbed the stairs leaving Sam staring in space, she didn't even know what had happened. She sighed and went to sit in a near by couch.

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