The choker

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We all walk into wiz shop. When we open the door wiz smiles at us.

Wiz: hello everyone!!! How did you all sleep?

Yunyun and Megumin blush along with darkness while aqua just gives off a smug grin. Kazuma grabs my shoulder. I look at him confused

Kazuma: you have truly surpassed your fellow weebs my friend

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Kazuma: you have truly surpassed your fellow weebs my friend........

I try to contain my laughter but I explodes when I saw him shed a tear.

Y/N: OH SHUT IT!!!! You'll probably find someone.....

Aqua: no he won't.

Y/N: you might be right.

Kazuma: H-HEY!!!!

I stand up and stretch.

Y/N: anyway. I just wanted to say hi and bye to you guys before I leave.

Everyone: leaving!?

Megumin: where are you going!?

Yunyun: your not leaving us are you?

They all began to surround me and I back up.

Y/N: no!!! I'm just doing a quick little quest!!!

Kazuma: so why go alone?

Y/N: I kinda wanna let loose for a bit and I don't want any of you dying or getting absorbed into my being. Anyway. Bye!!

Everyone: bye!!!!


I leave the town and sigh. I pull out my map and stare at it.

Y/N: if I'm right..........there should be a church near here............maybe I can ask if there's any dungeons near.

I begin to make my way across the field and as I do I eventually see a large building. I walk in and I look around. This place looks a lot like the Vatican from my world............weird..............

Y/N: hello?

???: ah!! I didn't see you there.......

I turn and see a man walking down the stairs. He's in the shadows and I can't see is face very well.

Y/N: hi. Do you know if there's any dungeons around here? Kinda wanna raid it.

???: oh yes. There's one just a few minutes away. But before you go lay I intresy you in joining our church?

Y/N: oh! no thank you but thanks for the offer.

???: please I insist!!!

???: please I insist!!!

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