A Hero Again

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Chapter 8: A Hero Again

It was an early morning. Everyone was up and Dev was gone before breakfast. Sabrina's clothes went to the hotel's laundry and Chloe fitted her out with a temporary outfit. Chloe nearly forgot her red eye when not looking in the mirror. There was a burning in her limbs from last night's exertions but it was a good memory. Sabrina had been so flustered waking up in the same room as a boy Chloe's heart was positively melting at the moment. Top it off with being a Friday and life was good. Chloe strode out the front doors with Sabrina in tow and Sunglasses hiding her injury.

She kicked herself later for not recognizing it wouldn't last. The Limo was already pulled up out front when they walked out and Chloe hadn't ordered it. Her pace slowed and trepidation grew as she approached. When the door opened she jumped, but it was only her father. He was wearing one of his 'smile for the peasants' smiles though and Chloe's nerves immediately all went into panic mode.

"Good morning Chloe, Sabrina." her father greeted. There was a twinge to his voice, he was nervous. Chloe's anxiety sought to grow still further,"Sabrina. Would you mind terribly walking to school today? I need to talk with Chloe."

Sabrina looked to Chloe. Chloe was glad her eyes were hidden by the glasses, it made faking the next bit easier. Chloe straightened up from the huddle she hadn't realized she was in and gestured Imperiously,"She doesn't mind at all, Do you Sabrina? She LIKES walking to school, or better yet running behind the car for exercise." There it was. How had she done this naturally?

Sabrina was trying to catch up, she looked as much thrown as Chloe was. Chloe tried to will understanding into Sabrina's head. Why wasn't telepathy a part of this stupid necklace's powers?

Oh? You want to see people's thoughts? Are you QUITE sure?

You go away!

The shadows rolled back and forth in her mind, tongue lolling and lupine eyes glinting. Chloe could feel a cruel laughter bouncing around the insides of her skull.

"Yeah, I'll walk. I love walking." Sabrina replied softly. Was it habit or did she understand? She turned and began to walk and Chloe wished she could walk too. The Limo's open door reminded her too much of the shadowy den right now.

She climbed into the limo and her father pulled the door closed. Chloe sat with her bag in her lap, looking out the window, waiting.

"So um.. Chloe. I know I've been busy lately, but it is good to see you. Have you been well? Anything you'd like to tell me?" her father was tap dancing around something. She'd had a whole life to learn the patterns and thanks to all the tumult lately now she knew that she knew.

"I'm FINE daddy." She sulked,"I wanted to walk to school with Sabrina," extra pout. She didn't even have to try. She brushed nonexistent dust off her bag.

"Oh? Nothing?" her father hemmed,"Do you want to tell me why you needed a doctor called to your room two days ago?"

"That was NOTHING daddy." Chloe sighed,"Just a stupid overreaction. Is that what this is about?" she looked back at him, mistake.

Her father met her shaded gaze in one of his rare bouts of parental assertion,"I've been told you've had a boy over in your suite for two nights in a row now. Would you care to explain yourself, young lady?" anger and admonishment tipped into his voice.

Chloe hissed in frustration,"It's NOTHING daddy." she repeated,"He's just from school. Sabrina was over last night too, it's no big deal." she didn't look away. His gaze was a direct challenge and Chloe was shrinking inside but the shell remained for the moment.

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