Date Night

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Friday, almost an entire week and nothing had gone horribly wrong. It was making Chloe nervous. Three days of classes without crisis. She'd actually seen Dev around, they didn't get to talk much between classes but just seeing him in his ridiculous but slightly more fashionable jacket was soothing. Three afternoons of practice with Sabrina, Marc, and Nathaniel, working to exhaustion before curfew left her by herself. At that point out came the sewing and she threw herself into the costumes. She could have outsourced it, but there was something rewarding now in working through her own frustrations by crafting.

Friday morning something was in the air though. There was a nervous energy about the class as people filed in. Marinette walked into the room with head bowed and clutching a pack of tissues to her chest. She sat down and immediately pulled one out, passing it over her eyes and blowing her nose, sitting huddled on her chair.

Chloe nudged Sabrina,"What's gotten into Du-Pain-Chang?"

Sabrina looked past her then shook her head, diving immediately into her phone for something. Chloe looked back to see the sorry state hadn't changed and moved to stand when she caught Mylene gesturing out of the corner of her eye.

Surprised, Chloe sat back down and instead leaned in. Mylene whispered, covering her mouth with a hand,"Marinette broke up with Luka last night. Could you please be nice to her today?" Mylene gave an imploring look as she finished.

Chloe leaned back in her chair, studying the crestfallen Marinette. She should have been filled with glee. She couldn't deny a small part of her still was; a little wind out of Marinette's sails wouldn't hurt anything in her mind. Still, the feeling was overshadowed by... Sadness? Pity? Empathy? Regret? It was messy and Chloe didn't like it.

"I should say something." she affirmed, but as she moved to stand again there was a small tug at her sweater, Sabrina this time. Chloe looked back at her,"I shouldn't say something?" Sabrina gave her a pained expression. "I shouldn't say something." Chloe agreed, turning back to face front in her seat.

She fiddled with her bag, the nervous energy now infecting her too. A thought percolated, "Sabrina, the Bass for Juleka should arrive today. You could take it over tonight."

Sabrina glanced past Chloe to Marinette then asked softly,"Should I? They already broke up."

Chloe gave Sabrina a sly half smile,"Oh? Was that the only reason you spent all of last Sunday there?"

That brought the blush to Sabrina's cheeks,"No." she admitted, ducking her head,"But, if they just broke up..."

"Then he'll need someone to talk to about anything else. Take the bass, but DO tell them it's from me. An apology. I did a little looking myself and I think they'll appreciate it." Chloe added,"they'd better, daddy's going to be mad when he sees THAT bill."

Sabrina giggled,"okay Chloe. No practice tonight then?"

"No, Nathaniel's got his thing. I don't get it, but he's not allowed until sundown Saturday. Besides, my calves are absolutely killing me from this week. We should be able to meet then though. Daddy's little tantrums rarely last too long and the staff get busy."

Ms. Bustier walked in, cutting off talk, but Chloe had something else on her mind. She snuck her phone out under the desk.

Chloe(to Dev): I want dinner tonight.

Dev: It's usually a good idea.

Chloe glanced up, trying to pretend she was paying attention. She nudged Sabrina under the desk with her foot,"Cover for me." she whispered.

Chloe: You owe me remember?

Dev: Right, three for a fancy meal?

Chloe: Just two this time.

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