Chapter Seventeen

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 For years, demons have walked the Earth; each more ambitious than the next. Legend has it that there was once a demon who made a deal with Lucifer himself. That demon sought to conquer everything and everyone. Even his own kind. He forfeited what was left of his soul, his entire humanity for a special poison. The kind of poison that only he could possess. The devil gave him the gift of poisonous blood. Such a poison could destroy a demon inside out if used properly. It drove him insane. His blood was not only one of the few things that could severely hurt or even kill a demon, but it was slowly killing him from the inside out.

As Anna stared at the vial in the hands of her captors, she lucidly thought about that legend. She recalled the pain that she had felt through her mother, and it all became clear. Somehow, they had gotten their hands on this rare type of demon blood.

"Where did you get that?" Anna slowly started, leaning forward to observe their answer.

"You don't need to worry about that", the scarred nun snarled. "It'll hurt you just the same".

Anna searched for another question to distract them as she watched the liquid move from the vial to the syringe.

Before they could begin, the small door crashed open, and in walked the stained Sister herself. Sister Mary-Anne's eyes focused on Anna and the words fell smoothly out of her mouth.

"Leave us", such a statement that was barely above a whisper. She repeated her demand louder and startled her accomplices. They scurried out of the room immediately.

"Long time no see, Anna. How have you been?" she approached her, calmly.

"Why are you doing this?" she replied, never taking her eyes off her former friend.

"Isn't it obvious, Dear?" she laughed humorlessly. "Shall I draw you up an evil plan to foil?"

Anna pursed her lips, observing this once beautiful human being that was most likely losing her mind.

"If revenge was your goal, then you would have been completely content with simply destroying my fake father's compound, yet you took us. That's why I deduce that there must be something more that you want". The Sister smiled.

"That is what I always loved about you, my dearest Anna. Nothing gets over your head". She patted Anna on the head and began circling her.

"You see back when I was a child, everything was taken from me. Even my very humanity. My parents had made various deals with the wrong people. Auctioned off their souls and became slaves to the most repulsive demon that I had ever laid eyes on. Soon enough, they betrayed me. Sold my soul to that demon and his minions. It was that day forward that I was forced to be a pawn in the games of the Blood Demon. Searching for ways to make him stronger and building his army".

Anna took in every detail that she had just heard. It seemed to all make sense except for her life as a nun. What good would that have done for the Blood Demon's wishes?

"Why did you spend so much of your life as a nun? Surely, that could not have been for the well-being of that demon?", she voiced her thoughts.

"On the contrary, it was. You see, he was interested in a special type of demon. A demon that had premonitions in the form of dreams", she stopped circling Anna and smirked at her.

"But how did he even know of me to begin with?" she narrowed her eyes.

"Simply put, your 'fake father' isn't the only family member you should be worried about deceiving you", and with that, she left.

Anna pondered the information that she learned from Sister Mary-Anne.

'If this is all true then I don't know who to trust...' she thought to herself. There was always the possibility that she was lying but what good would it do her to lie? It just didn't make sense for her to lie but then again nothing in her life ever made sense recently. She let out a frustrated huff. She was tired of only knowing bits and bits of the story. She was tired of being restrained. She was tired of being kidnapped! Everything was just so infuriating!!

She felt herself begin to levitate off the ground. It caught her by surprise, and she ended up falling back to the ground.

'The drug must be wearing off. If I focus all my frustration on breaking these restraints then, maybe we'll have a chance at escape'. Anna took a deep breath in and focused on all her frustrations as the air left her lips. She closed her eyes and could instantly feel the surge of power within her. When she opened her eyes, everything became clear. She felt the metal beneath her turn to dust as she levitated once more. She was free and she was more livid than she had ever been in her entire life.

She manipulated her environment, creating vivid illusions for the former nuns. She left the room with a wave of her palm and instantly found her mother, unconscious.

'Mother, it's time to wake up.' Her mother's eyes snapped open, and Anna waved her palm again, turning the restrains to dust.

'Where's dad?'

'Basement'. Her mother's eyes turned black, and they teleported to the Basement.

"About time that you got here. These cages are suffocating", her father exclaimed. Anna rolled her eyes at him and waved her hand.

Once they were all free, Anna transported them all outside the base. They took off running for their lives. Her sight began to break into unfocused fades while she ran. Everything was becoming blurred the faster she moved. She could see flashes of a face in her mind. An unfriendly attacker but before she could focus her vision again, she hit a nearby tree and blacked out. 

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