Chapter Eight

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 The Annella Jackson we knew died that day along with those unfortunate men. The girl who rose from that blood-stained battlefield wasn't her anymore. This girl was bloodthirsty. Immediately after the battle, her father congratulated her and took her for a walk through the hall.

"You've made me so proud, Anne. I know you don't trust me and that's okay. But you are my successor and I want to train you if you'll let me."

"What about the Sisters? Won't they be worried that I'm missing?"

"Let me deal with that, Darling. Now it's time you embraced the darkness within you."


She felt her heartbeat race as the wild pleasure of war embraced her. She loved the way it felt as her fist collided with her next unfortunate victim's jaw. She smiled as she glanced down at the unconscious person on the floor in front of her.

She stared up at the group of muscular men hiding behind one another and sneered, "Who's next?"

Her father laughed as his men ran away from his daughter, each bumping into the other to get away from her.

"Father?" she asked, as her head tilted towards him.

"Yes, my dear?" he walked over to where she was.

"When can I go back to the sisters?" she asked innocently as if she hadn't just taken down dozens of his men only a few minutes ago.

"You aren't going back, darling. You belong with me. Besides the sisters are no more. They just couldn't take dealing with children anymore", he stooped down to her level as if he was talking to a child and not a sixteen-year-old.

"What do you mean?" she said, confused.

"You see the day I rescued you from that bad place...I had overheard two of the sisters talking about finally being able to rest in peace and that the Lord would have destroyed them by fire either way. You see they were planning to burn down the foster house that night. Burn everything with everyone in it, including you but I saved you", he sighed.

"So they're all gone? But...Sister Mari-Anne would never agree to such a thing!" she shouted, trying to control her breathing.

"It's just how humans are, Love. Why does anyone do anything really? This world is a cruel place. A place without love and without peace of mind. Sometimes we can't save someone from themselves. They made their decision and soon you will also make yours. Now let's get back to practice" he said, trying to stand only to be engulfed in a teary hug.

"Thank you for saving me from that place, Dad", she whispered. He was beyond shocked but he recovered quickly enough to hug her and whisper back a soft 'You're welcome'.

One year later...

Diary Entry

'Tomorrow I will finally fulfill my destiny. Father says I've made the most progress he's ever seen a Scorpion make. I've killed without hesitation and he believes I am ready to rule his kingdom. He says the demon within me is bloodthirsty, cruel, and precise. Exactly what his people want and need in a leader. I've not forgiven him entirely for taking my mother but he has satisfied a void in my soul that I've always had but never acknowledged. He says my final challenge will be difficult....a test of both my mental and physical strength. I will be ready'.


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