The Confession

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I don't know what it is, but I jut really like the picture above. It has nothing to do with this chapter.

No One's POV

(Y/N) was covering his face with a mask, a hoodie with the hood over his head, sunglasses, along with jeans, and gloves to hide his skin. Everyone looked at him weirdly as he was wearing all of this as it was hot out, which he was happy with as nobody could see that he was Grimm. The city of Vale knew that he was attending Beacon, but he felt like they would still be scared of him and greet him with hatred. He made it to a bakery to begin looking around. He got a few cookies for Ruby and some brownies for Neo. He paid for it to begin heading back to Beacon Academy. However as he was walking he heard Ruby's voice, "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" He looked around to see Ruby and Neo looking around for him.

(Y/N) happily waved to them for Neo to be the one to spot him, as he was the only on she knew that waved by bringing his entire arm to the side and over his head. Ruby and Neo quickly walked up to him for Ruby to spot the sweets, "Are those for us?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yes. They are to make up for, whatever I did." Ruby smiled nervously, "That is very sweet of you, but you didn't do anything wrong." (Y/N) tilted his head a little, "Then why have you been avoiding me?" "Well, um-" Neo typed in her phone, "Let's go somewhere a little more private."

The three made it back to Beacon Academy for Ruby to look inside her team's room to see that nobody was inside. So she told Neo and (Y/N) to come in. When they did Ruby gestured (Y/N) to sit on Weiss' bed, as it would of been awkward if he sat on hers. When he did Ruby sat on his left with Neo sitting on his right. Ruby lightly scratched the side of her cheek, "So there was a reason that we kept avoiding you, and it wasn't because of anything that you did." Neo was looking away from (Y/N), "We were just acting stupid on how to handle our feelings."

(Y/N) looked between the two of them, "Feelings for what?" Neo rested her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder, "Our feelings for you." Ruby also rested her head on (Y/N)'s other shoulder, "We have grown stronger feelings for you and want to be more than just friends. Like girlfriends." "Do you want to be our boyfriend?" The two waited in silence for (Y/N) to give his answer, for his face to start becoming red as he quickly said, "Yes. I mean, I would love to." The two girls smiled with a little bit of a blush,  for the door to the room to fall as Yang, Blake, Jaune, Nora, and Penny were laying on top of each other. Penny was on top of Jaune for the poor boy to whine, "Heavy.... Can't... breathe." Ruby and Yang quickly made eye contact for the older sister to give a shy smile, "Heeeyy sis." She then stood up, "Wow, this door cannot stand a lot of weight." Ruby stood up to point at the doorway, "Get out!" The five eavesdroppers quickly left the room for Penny t pick up the door, and try to put the door back just for it to fall again as she walked away.

Ruby sighed at her sister's and friend's antics for her to turn around and see Neo hugging (Y/N)'s arm with a smile. Ruby quickly sat back down to hug (Y/N)'s other arm to smile as (Y/N) just let them as it felt nice.

The Next Day 

It was morning and (Y/N) was with his team as Ciel was going through a few papers on her clipboard, "Alright so I've gone through what we can all do with our semblances, along with our physical strength and speed. Now I know my own and Penny's limits, so Sun and (Y/N) I will need to see the both of your boundaries. We will meet in one of the training areas at four o' clock." Sun had his hands behind his head, "Sounds good." (Y/N) gave a thumbs up, "I'll do my best." They arrived at the lunchroom to grab some food, except for Penny, and followed (Y/N) to the table that he would usually sit at.

They arrived at the table that teams JNPR and RWBY sat at for Ruby and Neo to happily look at (Y/N). The young Grimm sat in-between his girlfriends for the two to try and feed him some of their breakfast. Everyone were happy to meet Ciel, Penny, and Sun; but were confused as to why Penny was not eating. After breakfast they all went to their classes for (Y/N) to end up sitting in-between Neo and Ruby as they were all bubbly and resting their head on (Y/N)'s arms. Glynda was teaching the class for her to take notice of the three for her to continue with the lesson, 'I'll give them five minutes, then I'll separate them.' 

After all of his classes (Y/N) met up with his teammates in one of the training areas. As he got ready to show his leader what he could do he heard her voice, "Hey what are you doing here? This is team training." (Y/N) looked over to see Ruby and Neo talking to Ciel as Ruby shrugged, "We're just watching." "Look you two seemed alright, but only my team can be in here. So you are gonna have to take your romance elsewhere." The two girls blushed a little from that comment for (Y/N) to smile at then, "When training is over I'll take both out for a date alright." Ruby and Neo quickly left for Ruby to say, "We can't wait!"

A/N: Hello, I am very sorry for taking a while to update. Some things have happened recently that has messed with my mental state, but I have gotten over it. Then I got sick. But I am all better now. I also want to say thank you for voting on the love interest for The Seven Deadly Sins. 

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