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"So Juline triggered some sort of memory when you were.....there?" Keefe asked. It's been a few weeks since the murder, and since he and Sophie Foster started running from the place they used to call home. The look on Dex's face terrified him as he saw him stab his own mother in the heart. 

"Yeah I think so," Foster responded, her lips pursed with concentration. "I think she did something though I don't know how she did it." They both were sitting on a tree branch, trying to replenish their energy before running again. It had been a while since the two had a normal conversation. The only words they exchanged were this way! Sh I hear something,  or are we lost again?

But again, when you're ruining away from a bloodthirsty mob, it's difficult to exchange pleasantries. But then again, what was there to say?

"What things do you remember? Or think you remember?" Keefe asked, swinging his long legs like a child.

"Just random things. There was a blue elephant, and a dog and cat. There was a newspaper too I think." Sophie remembered, she yawned and blinked slowly

"Foster your exhausted, go to sleep."

"But what about the Nerverseen? They can strike at any moment. Just one cut in the throat and we are dead." Sophie voiced, clearly on edge. 

"I'll keep watch. You rest that pretty little head of yours."

Sophie narrowed her brown eyes. "I don't trust that you won't fall asleep."

Keefe gasped and clutched his chest, as he would if he was injured. "Oh, you wound me, Foster! Do you really have that little faith in me?"

Sophie kept her face calm and collected. "Yes, and my answer will not change."

"Oh relax blondie. Live on the edge. We won't die. I promise I'll stay awake and alert." Keefe grinned.

Sophie face-palmed. "Keefe, I'm pretty sure every day for us is living on the edge. I doubt many teenagers are being chased by their old family or even mothers." Keefe's face immediately darkened at the mention of his mother, Lady Gisela. Sophie's eyes widen, relaxing her mistake. "Keefe, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

Keefe shrugged, but the stabbing pain of his own mother's cruelness still held a place in his slowly breaking heart. "It's fine Foster. Now sleep." It really wasn't fine, but Keefe decided to play it cool. His poor little Foster was already worried enough. 

Sophie nodded and closed her brown eyes, instantly falling asleep. Keefe smiled and studied her features. He knew he had a crush on her as soon as he saw her for the first time. She was beautiful and funny. What guy wouldn't fall head over heels for her?

He knew that Dex had a slight crush on her when he joined the Neverseen. Keefe didn't blame him in the slightest. Not only was her personality wonderfully, but she looked like a goddess. He loved how her long blonde hair glowed in the light. How her brown doe eyes would sparkle when she did something she enjoyed or got an idea. He adored that slight spray of freckles across her cute button nose. 

As Keefe stared at her, (which totally isn't creepy) he felt his eyelids grow heavy. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the sleep that was trying to sew his eyes closed. But it seemed that the drowsy feeling only grew. He sighed in defeat and glanced around the forest. It was quiet and dark, the blonde-haired boy doubted that anyone could see them from here.

Keefe leaned against the trunk and closed his eyes. He wasn't gonna sleep, he was just resting his eyes. But before anyone could say Ruckleberries he was snoring his nose off.


 Keefe opened his eyes for what it felt like moments later and rubbed them. His eyes widened, realizing he fell asleep. Luckily Foster was still sleeping so hopefully, she wouldn't know. He checked around them making sure everything was still there. 

Everything was the same as he left it beside his old leaping cristal. Instead of its normal pale yellow, it was cobalt blue. Keefe narrowed his eyes. Why would a cristal leap to the forbidden city be replaced by his one that leads to the neutral territory?

Another thought entered his mind: Great, Fosters gonna kill me.

The Remembering [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now