Chapter 10 - The Finale

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I broke into the spaceship, causing a large explosion in the process. I land my feet solid onto the ground, starting to look around the spaceship. I saw several robed creatures in front of me with what appeared to be magic spells. I keep my sword tightly in my hands more, before starting to use energy to fight back. I kill many of them as I do, showing signs of their robes falling off of their bodies.

I use my sword to slice many of them, making them eradicate. Once I clear my way, I continue my way forward. I see many species in the cafeteria, all in fear about what is going on. I look forward and attempt to search for either the unicorn or Hank and Hoy. My search fails as I couldn't find them anywhere. At least until Ethan comes up to me.

"Ethan!" I go over to him.

"Floyd, it's nice to see you not dead." I also saw Sparkles beside him.

"Where is Hank and Hoy?" I ask him.

"The headmaster has him, you have to hurry. I don't think he has enough time." I nodded.

"I want you guys to try and get out as soon as possible. Alright? I am going to end their terror on planets." Neither Ethan or Sparkles reply, but they do head back into the cafeteria. They attempt to get everyone else's attention, leaving me to my main task of finding Hank and Hoy.

I turn around and begin to continue my search. Which, I gently tap my sword gently. Causing me to disappear instantly as I run extremely quickly through the hallways. Although, I stop once I see the same unicorn who was in the medical room. He seemed to have a glowing magic spell around his mouth and a device around his horn.

I make myself appear in front of him, making him jump a bit from my sudden appearance. He slowly slides down the wall until he is fully sitting on the floor. I could see that he was bleeding badly on his nose. I kneel down in front of him, staring down at him. "It's okay, I am back to help." I tell him comfortingly. Although, the unicorn was eyeballing up to his horn with the device.

I look at him for a second, before carefully taking off the device that was wrapped around his horn. When I did, I tossed it away from him. This allowed the unicorn to light up his horn, taking off the spell that covered his mouth. When he did, he looked up to me. "Floyd... You need to kill the headmaster. He is the source..."

"I know... Where is he?" I ask him.

The unicorn points his hoof toward a hallway, with a hologram sign above. The sign read, "Headmaster Office." I stand back up to my feet, about to head toward the office. I get stopped by the unicorn's hoof wrapping around my leg. "Wait... Hank and Hoy are in there... I think the headmaster is manipulating him. Be careful... Please." He tells me.

I nod, beginning to head toward the hallway. Although once again, I get blocked off. This time, it's a magic field. I turn around toward the unicorn, who has the device wrapped around his horn. Several robed creatures coming out from the hallway with high technology weaponry. I soon feel a sharp pain of something touch my arms, preventing them from touching the sword behind my back.

I look down toward where the pain was felt. I saw that it was some kind of electric telekinetic energy. Wrapping around my arm and pulling it down toward the ground. The robed creatures look at me. "Floyd, it was a foolish move to be coming back here. You have just declared your species officially ext-"

Before one of the robed creatures could finish, they all get pulled back by a tongue. It wraps around their bodies disgustingly, until they get vowered down by what appears to be Sparkles. With them gone, my hands get freed and I see Ethan appear right behind Sparkles. "Are you guys okay?" Ethan asks us both.

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