jungeunha: mom also doesn't know
jungjin: about what
jungeunha: mOm's eXiT
kimtaewon: wtF
jungjin: im starting to feel this feeling of bursting out
jungrin: stoP or u wiLl bE rEmOveD
jungjin: ok finE
jungrin: nc choice
jungeunha: well,
jungrin: stOP euNHa
jungeunha: uhm, ok?
choijiyu: nc1
kimwojin: rin's autHority is bOrn
jungrin: it wasn't been dead
kimsojin: well, it was sleeping for a verY long tiMe thEn
hwangtaeyong: @choijiyu
choijiyu: what
hwangtaeyong: i have to tell u something
kimtaewon: u can talk privately
kimsojin: let them bE
kimtaewon: u r being nOsy
kimsojin: now they're gOne
jungeunha: they're not, sojiN
jungeunha: they're still aliVe
kimwojin: sojin just went offline
jungjin: i cant take this anymore
jungeunha: does he think he's a cat
jungyen: y
jungeunha: he keeps on making his life in dangeR
jungrin: i cant believe i'll be doing tHis buT, #EunJin
jungeunha: welL iTs eWwy
kimwojin: eunha just went offline
jungrin: jin already stoppeD lauGhing
jungyen: so y would taeyong call 4 jiyu
kimsojin: if isn't bc of taewon we should'vE knOwn Y
kimtaewon: u oL r nOsY
kimwojin: wow, sojin is online agAin
jungrin: if it isn't bC oF tAewoN
kimsojin: sTFu u bOtH
kimwojin: sojin must've been iTcHiNg
kimsojin: im not
kimtaewon: then stop blaming mE
kimsojin: well, iF it iSn't bC oF u
kimwojin: taewon
kimtaewon: what
kimwojin: do u perhaps know y
kimtaewon: y would i
jungyen: how about eunha
jungrin: she's not online
kimsojin: where is she
kimwojin: cafeteria maybe
jungjin: taewon just left the room
jungyen: maybe angela knows
jungrin: she's not in the roomkimsojin added angelaclark to the group.
kimsojin: well, she's online
kimsojin: hi angela
kimwojin: r u 2 closE
angelaclark: im back on this gc
kimtaewon: obviously
angelaclark: y r U sO sAvagE
kimwojin: it would hurT sO mUch if tAeyong saiD tHat
jungyen: luCky u, tAeyong is sToppiNg hImsElf
jungrin: cringe
kimsojin: how dAre u iGnOre mE
jungjin: now she'S mAd and u R dEad
angelaclark: excUse mE
kimsojin: u knoW whAt, tHe tRuth iS eUnHa iS riGhT
kimwojin: wdym by that
jungeunha: which part
kimsojin: when u sAid thaT tAeyong gOt inTo a rElaTIonShiP bC oF jIYu
hwangtaeyong: sTFu sOjIn
kimsojin: sHe'S mAkINg mE AnGrY
angelaclark: eXCuSe mE
kimsojin: u R fCKinG eXCuSe
kimwojin: ok that's iTkimwojin has removed angelaclark from the group.
kimsojin: nO WOjIN
kimwojin: sTfU sOjIn oR i'Ll tElL mOM
jungjin: this is y u shOuldn'T iGnoRe kIm SoJiN
jungrin: sojin actually knows aLl
jungeunha: i wonder how
jungyen: her eyes is liKe sOwon's
choijiyu: and her pAtience
hwangtaeyong: not oN sOwon'S hEight, wOjin gOt iT
kimtaewon: well soJin's patIence r eXtra thiN
kimsojin: excuse me?
kimwojin: r u calmed noW
kimsojin: i am cAlm wojiN
kimtaewon: not until u seE angEla
jungeunha: so let us talk about me, being righT on thAt 'bEt' pArt
kimtaewon: i am right 2
hwangtaeyong: cant u alL juSt moVe oN
choijiyu: moving on is hard, as what they say
hwangtaeyong: fUcK iT
kimsojin: i actually told a lie
kimwojin: wHaT
kimsojin: i guess? @hwangtaeyong
hwangtaeyong: IT WAS A LIE
jungeunha: they say, mother knows all
kimtaewon: its, mother knows right
jungeunha: whateverjungeunha added hwangeunbi to the group.
jungeunha: hi sinb
hwangeunbi: what do u kiddos need
kimtaewon: they r being nosy
hwangeunbi: thats not my problem
kimtaewon: its affecting me
kimwojin: wOW
hwangeunbi: leave the gc
kimtaewon: thanks 4 the advice but later
kimsojin: whO's noSy heRe
jungeunha: where is taeyong
hwangtaeyong: dont u eveR dAre asK hwAng euNbi
hwangeunbi: in his room y
kimsojin: is he broken or something
hwangtaeyong: oK fQK
hwangeunbi: wyd hwang taeyong
hwangtaeyong: nothing
hwangeunbi: then come down and do the dishes
hwangtaeyong: im currently busy
kimsojin: he must be broken sinb
hwangtaeyong: iM cOMINg doWN
hwangeunbi: he cant be broken, he isn't on a relationship
kimwojin: he's on a relationship with angela
hwangeunbi: whAt
choijiyu: not my moM
hwangeunbi: oh ok, angela what
kimwojin: angela clark
hwangeunbi: oh that girl
kimwojin: yes
hwangeunbi: they just broke up
kimsojin: hOw dyK
hwangtaeyong: oH cOmE oN
hwangeunbi: taeyong left the school and came back, then angela followed and they argued at the front door
hwangtaeyong: she shoos away angela for being noisy
hwangeunbi: well, im not kinda sorry about that
jungeunha: wow thing
choijiyu: i love that song
hwangeunbi: well ty
choijiyu: my pleasure
kimwojin: this 2 bffs can always chAnge the topic easilY
jungrin: y did they broke up
hwangeunbi: bc of jiyu
choijiyu: oh no, they didnt
hwangeunbi: trust me, i heard them
hwangeunbi: angela's voice is too clear and loud that made her words goes around my head for a while
kimsojin: jiyu had been always the reason y someone broke up between our group
kimwojin: oh right
choijiyu: wow
kimsojin: when rin and his last bf broke up bc jiyu and eunha keeps on bothering him
choijiyu: at least eunha'S wiTh mE
kimtaewon: this time, taeyong and angela broke up bc taeyong likes jiyu
kimsojin: see? I guess i didnt lied after all
jungyen: taeyong is probably dead now
hwangeunbi: i hear some loud sound upstairs
jungeunha: maybe not yet dead
kimsojin: do u know this jiyu
choijiyu: thats not true