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jungeunha added kimsojin, jungrin, jungjin, hwangtaeyong to the group.

jungeunha: dID U GUYS HEARD IT
choijiyu: yes
hwangtaeyong: what
kimsojin: we will be on a trip
jungrin: so tiring
jungyen: not in the forest pls
kimwojin: we will be in the mountain
jungrin: lemme die
jungyen: me too
jungjin: yen and rin is already dead
jungeunha: yerin will not stop crying
jungjin: it will be loud
kimwojin: did u saw it
jungjin: what again
kimwojin: jiyu and taeyong is out with the prof
jungrin: rEALLY
jungyen: oMG
jungeunha: they will be doing something for the school
jungrin: thats tiring i pity them
jungyen: i agree
jungrin: wtF yen
jungyen: what
jungjin: iM LAUGHING
kimtaewon: whats with yen today
jungyen: whAt
jungeunha: btw did u saw it
kimtaewon: what
jungeunha: angela's stare at jiyu
jungrin: we can hear u
jungyen: yeah
jungrin: wTF JUNG YEN
jungyen: wHAT
kimsojin: jin might die laughing
kimwojin: sojin is concerned
jungeunha: #JinJin
kimsojin: stFu
jungeunha: @choijiyu
choijiyu: yes
jungeunha: u remember jinjin
choijiyu: omG HE IS HANDSOME
jungrin: who is thAt
jungyen: im curious too
jungjin: u guys have been my laughing pill
jungrin: die laughing
jungyen: yeah

jungrin has removed jungyen from the group.

hwangtaeyong: whats with yen
choijiyu: poor rin
jungjin: I agree
jungjin: nO
jungrin: yES

jungjin added jungyen to the group.

jungyen: hi
kimwojin: where is jin tho
kimtaewon: cr
jungeunha: hmm
jungrin: what hmm
jungyen: what does it mean
jungeunha: #WoJin or #JinJinpt2
kimwojin: wtF
choijiyu: #JinJinpt2
jungeunha: we have so many couple here
kimsojin: no one should forget #JiYong
choijiyu: excUse mE
kimwojin: no sojin
kimwojin: only #JiWon
choijiyu: wOw so sUdden
kimtaewon: #EunJu

jungrin changed the group name "No oNe" to "Taewon is A trUe gAy".

kimtaewon: wtf
jungyen: maybe thats the reason y he is going with the bffs
kimtaewon: nO
kimwojin: hMm
choijiyu: taeyong and angela has been on a relationship
hwangtaeyong: eXcuSE mE
choijiyu: i bet that they will and thats y i won
kimsojin: y did taewon bet the opposite
kimtaewon: taeyong has a crush on jiyu
choijiyu: eXcuse mE
hwangtaeyong: wTf
jungeunha: maybe taeyong knows jiyu's bet thats y he choose to be in a relationship with angela
choijiyu: wow eUnha
choijiyu: taeyong really likes angEla fyi
jungjin: how did u know
choijiyu: dUh we've been bff tOo
jungeunha: r U seRious
kimtaewon: taeyong is hurt #bFfZoNe
jungjin: and euNha #bEtRaYeD
choijiyu: shattap u bOth
kimtaewon: (¬‿¬)
choijiyu: remind me to kill taewon later after this fcKing bUsinesS
jungeunha: jiyu is now mad
jungyen: goodluck taewon
kimtaewon: wow thAnks
kimsojin: we will take care of umji
jungrin: and the pool
jungyen: yeah
jungrin: @choijiyu pls kill yen first
kimtaewon: everyone is calm
kimtaewon: i think they have forgotten our assessment in chemistry
kimsojin: FVCK
kimwojin: dAmnIT
jungjin: taewon will bE there
hwangtaeyong: @kimtaewon get ready u will be killed bc the prof wants u here and jiyu is also here
jungrin: n0
kimtaewon: should i be glad that no one will be copying on me or should i be worried bc jiyu will see and kill me
jungeunha: i cant focus without jiyu
jungyen: we r doomed


jungjin: chemistry should be gone
choijiyu: sChool should be gone
hwangtaeyong: there is so many stUd3nts in our school Y mE
kimtaewon: and me
kimsojin: bc ur geniUs
hwangtaeyong: thanks
kimsojin: --- taewon
jungjin: iM LAUGHING
jungyen: omG ME TOO
jungeunha: #SoWon

choijiyu added kimsojung to the group.

kimsojin: wTf
kimsojung: excuse me kim sojin?
kimwojin: sojin will be deAd
choijiyu: hi SoWon
kimsojung: hello
jungyen: oMG ME TOO
jungjin: not now jung yen
jungyen: whAt
hwangtaeyong: r u being concerned or not
jungjin: yen is kJ
jungyen: im nOt
kimsojung: what's with the gc name
kimtaewon: fCkUoL

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