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kimsojin: they r sO mEAn
kimsojin: thEY diDN't eVEn bOtHEr aSkINg mE 2 gO wiTH tHEm
jungjin: u dOn'T hAVe mOnEy
kimsojin: wHAtEVeR
kimsojin: r we thE oNLy oNE whO's lEFt
jungjin: yep, rin finally got a ticket this morning
kimsojin: thEY'RE SO MEAN
jungjin: let's go to yuju's house
kimsojin: y
jungjin: let's play with yubin
kimsojin: OKAY


jungeunha: thAT WAS AWESOME
kimtaewon: where's sojin and jin
hwangtaeyong: date
kimwojin: r U SERIOUS
hwangtaeyong: no
kimwojin: 🖕
choijiyu: they're @ my home, playing with yubin
choijiyu: [ insert a pic ]
jungeunha: #JinJin 🤞
jungyen: sunday tomorrow lets gO SLEEP OVER
jungrin: where
kimwojin: YUJU'S HOUSE
choijiyu: whAT


kimwojin: jin really snores a lot
kimsojin: he'll snoRe loudEr whEn we gEt aduLt
jungjin: eXcUSe mE
kimtaewon: [ insert a voice message ]
jungjin: at least i didn'T gEt mOrE mArK iN mY fACe rYt euNhA
jungeunha: shAttAp
jungrin: if she's not hungry she's sleePy, woW
choijiyu: our house is a meSs
hwangtaeyong: we diD helP u thO
choijiyu: yeah yeah
choijiyu: poor yubin, he's too tired
kimtaewon: it was the girl'S fAuLt
jungeunha: what if, mOM IS REALLY PREGGY
kimwojin: stOP iT eUNhA
jungeunha: wHAt
jungjin: let's guess who among the gfriend member will have a new member in her family
jungeunha: mY MOM
choijiyu: umji
kimtaewon: jiyU NO
choijiyu: whAt
kimtaewon: y R u GUesSiNg tHAt
jungrin: let's exclUde jUNg yEriN
jungyen: yeah, to haVe A 2 siBLinG iS tOo mUCh aLrEAdy
kimsojin: and kiM sOWon aLso, i aLrEaDY hAvE a lUnATiC siBLinGs
kimwojin: eXCuSE mE

choijiyu added kimhaejin to the group.

choijiyu: hi haejin
kimhaejin: hello jiyu, what is it
jungeunha: sojin said u'rE lUNaTiC
kimsojin: wTF
kimhaejin: whAt wouLd bE moM's rEactiOn iF sHe kNowS tHat U r thE reASon Y hER pReCiOUs cAr haD bEen sCRaTcHEd
kimwojin: sOJiN's dEaD
choijiyu: let's ask her
kimsojin: fUCK JIYU NO

choijiyu added kimsojung to the group.

kimhaejin: nc1 jiyu
choijiyu: ask her
kimwojin: u surE iS dEaD kiM sOJiN
kimsojung: what's happening
kimsojin: noTHiNg mOM i LoVE U

kimsojin has removed kimsojung from the group.

kimsojin: fCKiT
kimwojin: i can hear haejin lol while mom shouting at him to keep quiet
kimtaewon: i think we'll be witnessing a cat fight rn if sojin won't calm
jungeunha: pls save jiyu
jungyen: jiyu is offline
kimtaewon: maybe bc it's sunday
jungeunha: oh ryt, they went to the church
hwangtaeyong: taewon aren't u going with umji
kimtaewon: we stopped @ a cr
jungrin: y
kimtaewon: mom had to
kimsojin: oK i'Ll maKE tHiS pASs bC it'S sUNdAy
kimtaewon: aren't u guys going 2
hwangtaeyong: mom didn't wake me up
jungeunha: wAKe mE uP
hwangtaeyong: whaT
kimtaewon: it's probably a song
jungrin: it's twice's song
jungyen: speaking of twice, i remember song
jungrin: #YeSong
jungyen: fUCkoFf
jungeunha: who's that
jungyen: twice's jihyo's son
jungeunha: oMG y diD u rEMemBeR hiM
jungyen: sTfU it's august and his bDaY iS nEaR
jungeunha: bday? Birthday?
jungrin: yes eunhA
jungjin: mom and umji will be celebrating their bday also
jungyen: infact song and the ye-sister has the same bday
jungeunha: r they siblingS
jungyen: euNha juSt chEck jiYu iF shE's bAck
jungyen: anD i fOrGoT,, tHeY dOnT rEaLlY hAvE tHe sAmE bDaY
hwangtaeyong: do gfriend have a plan
kimwojin: mom's been thinking about that
kimsojin: should we help them
jungrin: of course we should
kimsojin: lets ask the other member about that


jungjin: banana is long, long is train, train is fast, fast is weekend
hwangtaeyong: do we have assessment today
jungyen: nope
jungjin: i'll gO WITH U
kimwojin: taewon won't ever dare skip class
jungrin: umji will kill him
jungeunha: umji is kind tho
kimsojin: taewon is just like umji after all
choijiyu: i think we should all go to school today
jungjin: no
choijiyu: then don't atTenD thE sChOoL'S tRiP
hwangtaeyong: it's today?
kimsojin: our adviser will tell us today the final decision
hwangtaeyong: just keep us updated
hwangtaeyong: hEY
jungjin: they'RE ALL GONE
hwangtaeyong: fUCkIT

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