Peter's Pet - Avengers

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This one isn't long but I hope you enjoy it.

~Bucky's POV~

I was walking down the hallway to my room when I hear Steve's short high pitch scream from his room.  Obviously, I knew he wouldn't be screaming over some break-in so I casually walked over to his room.

"What the hell is wrong Steve!" I yell, when I see him standing on his bed covering his mouth with his hand looking at the wall. "Shhhh." He says quietly pointing at the wall. I screamed and jumped on the bed with Steve, hiding behind him.

~Y/n's POV~

I was sitting on my bed staring at my computer reading fanfictions on Wattpad. When I hear Steve and his high pitch scream, but let it slide. 15 minutes later I hear Bucky's high pitch scream coming from Steve's room, but when it goes silent I start to worry. 

I get up and walk to Steve's room and open the door at the speed of Pietro running. "What the fuck is wrong with you..." I start to trail off looking at the spot on the wall where the world war 2 friends were looking. I scream as high as I can and jump behind Bucky on the bed.

The little critter crawls onto the floor and is in the middle of the room. Before I could scream again Bucky places a hand over my mouth muffling the scream. The three of us are intensely watching the Huntsman which is looking straight back at the trio. "So who's gonna get it because I'm not." I say to Steve and Bucky. "It's Steve I think he should get it." Bucky states. I agree, but Steve disagrees saying I should do it.

As if on queue Peter walks in. "You found him, thank you," Peter says meaning the spider. We all gasp as Peter walks to the Huntsman picking it up. "Wait are... you scared of him." He laughs moving his hand with the spider on it towards us. The two boys in front of me fall onto me squishing me. "The Captain and the two best assassins on the team are afraid of a little spider." "That thing is big enough to bite my arm off," I say.

Peter then does the worst thing he pets the Huntsman and lets it crawl up his arm. I hug Bucky and Steve tightly, that until Steve places me in front of him which is closer to Peter and his pet. "What is wrong with you Steve are you crazy." You say hugging Steve like you will never see him again.

Peter moves his hand closer to you and you start screaming and the spider jumps onto the floor right at your feet, you jump onto Steve screaming. "I'm telling all the Avengers you three are afraid of a little spider." Peter announces picking up the spider walking out of the room. Now you, Bucky and Steve are standing in shock. 

"Wait you three are afraid of Harry the Huntsman." Sam says with everyone else standing behind him, even Peter. You look at Peter dead in the eyes and start to sprint after him.  

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