I'm gonna tell him - Avengers

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Warning: Swearing and mention of s3x

BTW: very short. it's crap I know

You and the Avengers were all sitting watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'. You were snuggling up to Bucky with a disgusted look.

You: The only thing she's famous for is having...

Bucky covers your mouth.

Bucky: No, no, no. There's a child around.

You: Sorry, Morgan.

She looks at you confused.

You: Nevermind.

Your attention goes back to the tv. It was now 1:59 am and everyone except you and Morgan was awake watching 'Beauty and the Geek', you were asleep on Bucky curled up like a cat and Mogan was asleep on Peter. You started to move on Bucky so you could wrap your arms around him.

Bucky: I'll take her to bed now.

Steve: Okay, good night. See you in the morning.

Peter: I'll take Morgan to bed as well.

Tony: You sure, kid.

Peter: Yeah. Night everyone.

Everyone(Quietly): Good night.

Bucky stands up with you bridal style and walks you to your room.

-10 Minutes Later-

You woke up to Bucky asleep next to you in your room. You check the time and it reads 2:10 am. You close your eyes but hear noise coming from Steve's room, next door. You hear moaning and swearing coming from Steve and someone else.

You: Fuck this.

Bucky starts to stir in his sleep, his eyes open which you barely see.

Bucky: What?

You: Steve's having s3x with someone. I'll be right back.

Bucky: Don't be too long

You get up and walk out of your room and knock on Steve's door. 

You: Can you 2 keep it down in there. Thank you.

You walk back into your bedroom and snuggle up to Bucky and go back to sleep.

-In the Morning-

You and all the Avengers except Peter are out talking in the kitchen.

Sam: Hey, how was last night, Steve, Nat?

You: It was Nat, ha.

Steve: What are you talking about?

Tony: Come on we heard Y/n come and tell you both to be quiet.

Bruce: You can't talk Tony don't think I didn't hear you and Pepper doing it too.

Nat: All right, fine. We did it.

Wanda: Oh my god. Romanogers for life.

Peter walks into the room but nobody notices. While everyone's having their own conversations about top and bottom. You, Bucky, Clint and Loki were all in a corner talking about something completely off topic and the others were talking about well... you know.

Nat: Next time I'm top, okay, Rogers?

Steve: Oh, please you know you love being bottom.

Tony: You know I would love to see how it would be if you are in command, baby.

Pepper: If I was you would never want to be the captain again.

Peter: Morning everyone.

Everyone: Mornig Peter.

Peter: Why are people always fighting over top or bottom? I would be lucky just to have a bunk bed.

Nobody responds so you step in.

You: I'm gonna tell him.

You smile to yourself.

Nat: Don't. 

Steve: You.

Bucky: Dare.

You: Uh, fine.

You roll your eyes and sit on the couch.

Bucky/ Sebastian Stan x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now