Messages- Bucky x Reader x Steve

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It's a cold winter morning and you are binge-watching Once Upon A Time for the 5th time, you're on season 1 episode 17 and you see that the mad hatter looks an awful lot like Bucky just without the long hair. Your hands are freezing and the heaters are broken, you were on your favorite bit when Bucky and Steve come running in.

Bucky "Y/nnnnnn!"

You pause the show and look at them.

You "What?"

Steve "We don't know how to use a phone and Tony said we need them for our next mission."

You "Oh my god, you've both been around for what 90 years and don't know how to use phones."

Steve "I was in ice for 70 years."

Bucky "And I was being controlled by HYDRA."

You sigh and pat the space beside you and Bucky sits on your left, and Steve sits on your right. You pull out your phone and start to show them how to set them up when it then came to messages and calls.

You "So add me to your contacts like this."

You take Bucky's phone and start to show both of them.

You "Good now try calling each other."

Steve calls Bucky and they start talking.

Bucky "Hi."

Steve "Hi."

They're chatting for about 20 minutes and that's when you start to get bored.

You "All right, do you want me to teach you how to text?"

Bucky "Yes."

He hangs up and you show them how to set up messages.

You "Send me a text."

>Bucky> Hi

>You> Hi

Steve "How do you do this again."

You "Oh my god!! You do this."

You basically type your message for him.

>Steve> Hello

>You> Hi

You "Now let me show you how to use emojis."

You show them how to use them and they eventually get it.

>Steve> 😁🤷‍♀️😉🤳🍕

You "Good job, Steve. But what does it mean exactly?"

Steve "Hi, don't know cutie wanna get pizza?"

You "Sure."

>Bucky> 🍆🛏👇

You "Bucky!!! Do you know what that means?"

Bucky "Yes."

Steve "What?"

You "You'll kill him for it, and that's all you need to know."

Steve "He didn't, did he?"

You "Yeah."

Steve gets up and chases Bucky around the tower.

Steve "Don't talk like that to my best friend after you."

Bucky/ Sebastian Stan x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now