I Could Never Chose 1- Sebastian. S

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You were Chris Evans' younger sister, and only 14 years younger than him. You and Chris are both actors who star in Marvel movies. You had always been very sarcastic and had lots of attitudes, but on top of that, you had the humor of Chris. You get told you are as stubborn as a cat or as cute as a puppy. Your parents divorced when you were 4 and you are the youngest sibling, Scott is the 2nd youngest, Chris is the 2nd eldest, and Carly is the eldest. You and Chris were inseparable, you would do everything together, look out for each other, share each other's secrets. Well, most secrets you have shared ever secret with him but one. You and Sebastian were best friends and you all would hang out together, but you and Sebastian grew feelings for each other over time. But, you kept it a secret because Chris was really overprotective of you and hated when you went out with boys.

One day you were going out to see Sebastian, but made up the worst lie in the world that even a 4-year-old could tell. You told him that you were going to the pools in the middle of winter, now that itself is bad. And Chris got very suspicious, so he went to Sebastian's house.

He walked in the house without knocking and found you in the kitchen you on his countertop making out with each other, and boy did that make him angry. 

Chris "What is happening in here?!?"

You both look up at him. Your hands are intertwined with his hair and one hand is on your waist and the other on supporting your back.

Chris "Get your hands off my sister."

Sebastian removes his hands and you remove your hands from his hair. Chris walks over to you and grabs your wrist, he pulls you off the countertop and far enough for you to stop.

Chris "Y/n we are leaving now."

You "I want to stay."

Chris "No, you're coming with me."

You "When will I get to decide what I want to do with my life?"

Chris "When you're old enough."

You "I'm 26 years old, I am old enough."

Seb "She is old enough Chris you just have to loosen up."

Chris "Sebastian this doesn't involve you."

Seb "But it does, doesn't it? I'm the guy that was kissing her."

You "He's right, it does involve him."

Chris "I'm done, you both break up right now."

You "No!"

Sebastian looks at you with sorrowful eyes and looks down.

Seb "Y/n, I think it's best if we go out own ways."

A tear rolls down your cheek and Chris walks you out of the house, you look back at Sebastian before walking out. Chris pulls you into his car and most of the ride home is quiet until he speaks up.

Chris "Why didn't you tell me?"

You "Maybe because I knew this is how you would react."

Chris sighs and looks at you then back at the road.

Chris "I don't like you having boyfriends because I don't want them to break your heart."

You "It's a part of life, and you have to accept that he won't not everyone is out there to hurt other people. And I know that that isn't the reason why you don't want me having a boyfriend."

Chris "What do you mean?"

You "You know what I mean."

Chris "Fine, I don't want you having a boyfriend because I don't want to lose you, I'm scared that you'll choose him instead of me."

You "I could never choose one of you."

Chris "Really?"

You "Of course."

Chris' phone starts to ring and you answer it without looking at who it was. Anthony's voice starts screaming through the car.

Anthony "Chris, what did you do!?!?"

Chris "What do you mean?"

Anthony "Oh, I'm about to come over to your house and rip off your head!"

You and Chris both stay quiet.

Anthony "And I'll be taking Y/n back over to Sebastian's place as well."

Chris "No you won't."

You "Yes he will, and I don't care what you say."

Chris sighs in defeat and hangs his head low.

Chris "Don't bother coming over I'll drop her off now."

Anthony "Really?"

Chris "Yeah."

He hangs up before Anthony can say anything else. Chris turns the car around and back around and drives back to Sebastian's place. When you get there you jump out of the car and run straight to the door and knock, Anthony opens the door and you run straight past him. Chris stays in the car and Anthony walks to him and sits in the car next to him. You run up to Sebastian's room and walk in without knocking, he looks up and runs to you you both hug each other as you'll never see each other ever again.

You "I missed you."

Seb "I am so sorry."

You "There's no need to be sorry."

Seb "Would you leave me to make your brother happy?"

You "No, I could never choose one of you."

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