Chapter 1

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Hello so obviously if you read the warning and you don't feel comfortable do not carry on with reading.
TW- Bullying and Fighting

Amity POV

I've been with this guy named Cole Emmet since freshman year, me and Willow are still on bad terms so the only people I really hang out with are Cole and Boscha (plus her gang but they don't matter). It wasn't my decision to get together with Cole, but my parents said it would help towards the Blight name so I agreed to be with him.

The only time I get to spend alone is at the library, reading to the little kids. I love that job so much.

"AMITY!" I heard my sister Emira call for me from downstairs, so I put my diary away and head down there. "There you are, hurry up we have school in less than 30 minutes." I smiled as my older sister hurries to get ready, as I was already ready and just had to wait for her and my older brother.

"EDRIC!" I shout from the front door, as I said that I see him rush down the stairs. They don't go to Hexside anymore but they go to the college down the road from it. There twins by the way and they've been insuperable since birth. So obviously they had to go to the same college.

I wait for them to finish putting there shoes on, once they finished we walked out the front door, having time to spare. "Every morning you guys rush and we always have some time left over." they keep walking without saying a word.

Once we get to the fork in the road that divides us we say our goodbyes. As I was walking through the forest I heard faint footsteps behind me, they sound like there running so I turn around to see a girl running from who I'm assuming is Cole. The girl was running quickly so I didn't have time to get a look at her.

"Hey babe." I heard him say as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and held my hand. "It's a new kid, I think they just transfered here from that weird bird lady." we began walking as he talked about the new girl.

I chuckled "looks like somebody has eyes for her." he punched my arm in a joking way. "You know I only have eyes for you." he smiled and I smiled back, letting it fade away as we got closer to school.

Once we got there we sat at the steps like usual and waited for Boscha. I spotted the new girl out of the corner of my eye. "Hang on I'll be right back." he gave me a thumbs up and I walked over to the new girl, holding out my hand to shake.

She had a hoodie on which covered most of her face, I could see her smile and she went to shake my hand. Once she did though she took off the hoodie having a plain black shirt underneath. I got a glimpse of her face... And damn, she had short hair with a little undercut, her hair and eyes like chocolate, and her body was fit for a girl. Not to muscular but perfect.

As she was shaking my hand she smiled "my names Luz Noceda, how about you?" I smiled at her name and let go of the handshake "Amity Blight." she chuckled "well I guess I'll see you around then Blight." she began to walk away as I see Cole get up and walk towards me. "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT" he shouted so the whole school (well everyone out front) could hear, including the girl.

She turned around and smirked "Luz Noceda, what's it to ya?" but I don't think I mentioned that Cole has severe anger issues. "MY NAMES COLE EMMET AND I DON'T WANT YOU TALKING TO MY GIRL EVER AGAIN." he clearly has gotten a little to angry at the girls comment. She winked at me "Hey hopefully we got some classes together." she said laughing.

Cole didn't find it one bit amusing and punched the girl right in the nose, causing her to fall backwards. "Well shit here we go again." she said standing up, she went to punch him but he dodged it, she did the same thing but he dodged it again.

He punched her in the gut and then multiple times in the face. She spat blood to the side and stood back up, "Jesus Christ learn when to fall and not get up." Cole said punching her to the ground again, then kneeing her in the face.

A large crowd as gathered and 2 teachers rushed outside, the 2 pulled Cole away and leaving the girl on the ground, bloodied and bruised.

I knelt down to her and grabbed some tissues I had in my bag, "hey can you speak? Or can you stand?" she opened her eyes slightly then closed them again, I whipped up some blood that was on her face. After a few wipes she winced in pain. "Sorry sorry, I'm just trying to clean you up a little, can I put a bandage on?"

She nodded her head and smiled. "Hey why are you dating that dickhead." I looked at her surprised that she finally had spoken up. "Because I like him, and we've been together since freshman year." I put the last bandage on her and she smiled. "You should break up with him, he clearly has really bad anger issues."

I looked at her angrily. "No I will not, even if he is a bitch I like that jerk." I said kicking her in the side of her stomach and walked inside leaving her out there.

I need to stop writing new stories but I found this one interesting when it came into my mind.

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