Chapter 4

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I wake up in the morning because i dreamed of Draco.

„Shit" i say to myself and look next to me and realize he is sleeping next to me

He is still sleeping,he looks so peaceful while he sleeps. I quietly stand up from my bed and go in the bathroom,i look in the mirror and seee that my eyes are still red,i only remember what happened before i took those pills and what happened after i puked but only a little. Like my memory has been just black at some parts. I wash my face with cold water and look again in my mirror and rub my eyes. I go back to bed and lay there staring at Draco sleeping. Then he moves and puts his arm around my back and i fall asleep again. After 30 minutes Draco wakes me up.

„Pst,Parkinson. Are you alive?" he mumbles and sounds like he's half asleep

„You woke me up,you bitch"

He looks relieved that I'm alive.

„How do you feel?" he asks ignoring the insult

„Pretty shit, i feel sick" i say

„What happened? I only remember taking painkillers and you coming in" i ask

„Well" he sighs

„When i came here,you looked like you're about to die. You told me that you took pills and i took you to the bathroom and put my fingers in your throat to make you throw up" he says

„I cleaned you and the bathroom.I took care of you the whole night,we screamed at each other and talked normally. Now i know what you mean with mood swings" he chuckles

„Oh and i took all the pills you had in your room,you'll ask me for ONE and I'll give you ONE" he says and i laugh

„Thank you,Draco. Thank you for taking care of me.I owe you" i say and put my head on his chest



„I'll answer all your questions about me" i say playing with his abs

„You sure?" he asks

„Yeah,i think i can forget what happened "

„Are you still drugged?" he asks me

„A little,but i know what I'm saying" i chuckle

I answer all his questions while i play with his rings, not moving away from his chest and not looking at him.

„Shit,Y/n. I'm so sorry" he says not knowing what to say

„Oh you should probably go before Pansy and Blaise notice" i say

„Fuck,but promise you won't do something crazy. And don't drown in the shower" he say and i laugh

„I promise" i answer and he gets up and puts his shirt on

„I want to kiss you so bad" he says and i ignore it and smile

„Draco,thank you again" i say

„Just kiss me little shit" he says and pulls me in for a kiss

That kiss was more loving and caring.

„You care about me,don't you?" i say

„Of course i do,dumbass. I technically saved your ass yesterday. And i really do-" he says but i cut him off

„Go now,tell me later" i say and he kisses my cheek and leaves

I realized after what happened yesterday that he really cares about me,maybe it's ok to give him a chance,i think but i ignore that thought.
I take a lavender lace bra and matching thong and go in the shower. The shower feels refreshing.
When I'm finished showering i dry myself in the bathroom and put the underwear on,i also brush my hair and put it in a middle part. When i walk out of the bathroom Pansy,Blaise and Draco are sitting on my bed like every morning. I walk to my closet and look in it.

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