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Sana's POV

It's been 2 weeks since that day where Mark and Shushua threatened us, and since I don't feel any mysterious happening I try to convinced Tzuyu to stop worrying too much. This past 2 weeks, he always on my side that sometimes I scold him because he always choose me over his work. It's not that I don't want him on my side but he has business that need his care too, so now he keeps calling me saying that if I feel something's wrong I'll call him immediately. I fixed my paperworks and stand up then head to the parking lot, I start driving while humming a song but I feel something's wrong.

I immediately dialed Tzuyu's number while driving and saw on my back a black car seems like following me.

After like 2 rings he immediately answer it.

"Hello Sana baby?"

"Tzu, I feel someone's following me." I informed him immediately I heard him gasped.

"Calm down Sana baby, I'll get you." He said and immediately hang up, aish this Yoda how he'll now where I am?

I start to drive fastly trying to loss whoever driving that black car, but when the traffic light turn red I stop and saw that Black car not too far.

I tried to calm down, and start driving fast again. When I look at the side mirror the car disappeared and I sigh of relief, but startled when a car stop infront of mine I immediately step the break and my head bang. I slowly raise my head when someone's knocking on my window and see my Yoda looking at me worriedly.

"Sana baby, are you okay?" He asked after I unlocked the car door, he stepped in.

"Y-you startled me!" I said trying to calm down, he immediately hugged me I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry, I'm so worried!" He pulled away and kiss my forehead.

"I'm okay now, please send me home" I pleaded while looking at him with my teary eyes.

"Ofcourse baby!" He replied, and call someone to get his car on the side of the road.

He start driving using my car and head to my mansion, when I stepped outside he held my hand and walk inside to saw my cousin cooking something.

"Hey Sana- are you okay!?" Jennie unnie greeted me but immediately frown.

"Tzuyu will explain it unnie." I said because I'm still scared about that Black car, I sat on our couch.

"Two persons threatened us, that's why I'm always on Sana's side this past 2 Weeks. And now Sana feel someone following her when she's heading home, she call me and I think Sana trick that black car to loss her sight, which she successfully did." Tzuyu replied like a robot, and my cousin widened their eyes.

"What!? You two receive threaten then didn't even let us know!? You should let us know! What if something bad Happens!? You two can handle that!?" Irene unnie exclaimed, my eyes start getting teary Irene unnie is so scary when she's mad. Jennie unnie trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry." I said while looking down, Tzuyu held my hand.

"We're sorry." He politely apologize.

"Aish okay we'll settle this out tommorow. now rest, and Tzuyu stay here it's raining and Sana needs you" Irene said when she calmed down.

I look at Tzuyu, he nodded while caressing my hands.

"Okay" he simply replied. And was about to walk upstairs in my room, but stop when Jennie unnie called me.

"But, Sana!" She gave me a warning look, I just giggled and nodded, such a protective scary cousins.

We walk upstairs and open my room, I throw my body on my bed while Tzuyu put my bag on the couch and made his way on my bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and caressing my hair. I nodded and pull him to lay down beside me and hugged him tightly.

"I love you" I said while sniffing his neck he smell so good, I think he used the perfume I gave him.

"I love you more." He replied while caressing my head, he never let me win.

"Hmm, wait I'll just take a bath." I said and slowly detached myself from him.

"Let's take a bath" he said while looking at me teasingly, I glare at him causing him to pouted.

I chuckled and peck his lips before I ran towards my bathroom.

(Hi guys, I'm so sorry. It's been a long time haha sorry again for the short chapter.)

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