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Tzuyu's POV

I'm so fucking embarrassed rn! Aish Sana! Stop being so hot God! Help me survive my bulge still hard and I try to calm it down cause Sana might scold me. When it's getting calm without me doing masturbate I sigh in relief and walk out from her restroom.

"Sana stay away from that guy." I said sternly when I remembered that guy aish! Sana is MINE! She look up and smile that melted my heart.

"Ofcourse tzu baby," she said and motion me to walk towards her and she hugged my head while she's sitting and I feel her chest on my face God! Sana! Are you trying to kill me!?

"I'll fetch you everyday to make sure you're safe okay?" I said and pulled away.

"Tzu you don't need to, I know you're busy" she said, nope! I'll fetch you.

"Minatozaki Sana" I call her full name and look at her sternly, She sigh.

"Fine" she said and rolled her eyes cause I control her, she really don't like other people controlling her.

"Don't be mad, I just want to make sure you're safe." I said then she smile.

"I'm not mad, I just love you so much" she said and kiss my lips, I was about to respond but she pulled away. I glare at her she just giggled.

"I love you more!" I resisted,

"Hmm, fine. You win" she said, and we continue being lovey-dovey like before.


We're now 2 years and 1 month and still counting, nothing change we still stay strong! I hope I can marry her now! But I still need to prepared all, like our house that we're going to live, and our marriage to be prepared and I already bought a ring a diamond ring I bought in Taiwan. So I planned to propose next month! Sana didn't know about my planned ofcourse! But you know what? I keep receiving threatened well I always ignore it but it's getting creepy I don't want Sana to worry, so even we promised not to hide secret from each other. I think I'll handle this one.

"Tzu baby? You okay?" Sana asked when she already close her laptop and look at me worriedly, I smile and nodded she look so cute!

"Ofcourse Sana baby, you're done?" I asked her while putting her paperwork on her bag.

"Hmm, I love you" she said and hugged me.

"I love you too" I replied and hugged before we walk outside but stopped when we saw that guy who said he'll make Sana his, but Sana is MINE.

"What a happy couple I see" he said while looking at Sana's body, aish he's checking out my girl! I cover Sana with my body and look at him coldly but he just chuckled.

"Back off" I said coldly, when a girl with a long haired walk in while winking at me, Everytime I'll visit here she keeps staring at me, but ofcourse I ignore her Sana is enough!

"Hey there handsome" that long haired girl seductively said looking so white but I don't care. I feel Sana gripped on my shirt.

"Excuse me" I grabbed Sana's hand and was about to walk away from them but that girl blocked me.

"Hey don't ignore me, btw I'm Shushua" she introduced herself but I don't care.

"Back off Ms.Yeh, this handsome is MINE. You two back off we didn't do anything to the both of you." Sana said coldly and I'm so proud of my girl! I love you Sana!

"No, you two did something to us. You Sana, you attracted me when we're still child. I want to taste your sexy body" he said and lick his lips looking at my girl lustfully. I grabbed his collar and punch him real hard that cause his lips to blood but keep smirking that irritated me more.

"YOU! YOU CAN'T TASTE HER! NEVER! I WILL NEVER LET YOU! SO JUST FUCKING BACK OFF!" I Shouted at him while Sana hugging me to calm me down. 

"Let see.." he said and walk away while smirking.

"L-lets go tzu-" Sana said while getting teary but that Shushua cutted her off.

"Hey I'll see you there" she slip something on my pocket and I opened it just to see hotel address, Sana grabbed it and look at me getting teary again, I want to punch that Shushua rn but I'm a man.

I want to kill them both that they made my Sana crying, I will never let them come near us no one will break us apart Sana.

I throw the note to that Shushua's face and look at her coldly I saw her gulped and walk away, I grabbed Sana's hand and walk towards the parking lot and get into my car.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you" I said kiss Sana's forehead.

(A/N: Hi guys, I'm sorry for this past few days I didn't update. I Still can't get over about my Tito who just passed away, what more hurt me is he died on the exact date of my birthday. I'm sorry again for those who waited.)

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