2. Sweet dreams, husband

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In a couple of hours, everything was ready. When Camila agreed to Shawn's dumbest idea, he smirked – even if his eyes where barely opened and he couldn't control much his face muscles – and bend down on his knee to propose. He didn't have a ring, so he simply took her hand in his, kissed her ring finger, and theatrically shouted: «Will you, Camila Cabello, make me the luckiest guy on this earth and marry me?»

Swiping away a fake tear from her left eye, she responded: «Yes, Shawn Mendes, I will!»

The crowd around them erupted in cheers and whistles, joining them in random hugs and pats on the back. A young couple like them approached the giddy duo with sparkling eyes. They were just as inebriated as Shawn and Camila, big smiles on their faces and blurred gaze, but their story was slightly different. They had met that night and wanted to do something crazy. Marriage had been an option that had eventually been discarded, but they wanted to experience the craziness of Sin City anyway. That's why they offered to be Shawn's best man and Camila's maid of honor. And of course, the two friends agreed to celebrate their impromptu wedding with those strangers.

The drunken group of four stumbled around the city to start the planning of the ceremony. First thing first, they needed the rings. The money gained at the casino came in handy, and Shawn was able to buy the ring that Camila had fallen in love with. It was a thin golden band with an oval ruby adorned by diamonds. Camila almost wished she had her sunglasses with her such was the shiny sparkling that the piece of jewelry emitted. Shawn went for something way more simpler: a golden band with his wife's name engraved on its inside.

 Shawn went for something way more simpler: a golden band with his wife's name engraved on its inside

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Next they stopped inside the hotel shop to purchase their wedding clothes. There was a scarce selection, so they opted for a simple white, satin dress for Camila, and a black suit for Shawn. Tanisha, the bride's maid, insisted on buying a little veil for Camila and nobody had the strength nor the intention to stop her.

Finally, they made it to the chapel. They were slightly disappointed there was no Elvis for them, but they weren't getting married with the only purpose to meet a vintage singer's look-alike. The question was: why were they getting married? Oh, yeah, because she was his lucky charm. It made perfectly sense. Before stepping in front of the altar, an old lady made them sign some paperwork, reiterating that this was a real marriage, it wasn't a joke. It couldn't be voided. Were they to change their mind, they needed to get a divorce.

But Camila and Shawn were confident they really wanted to be husband and wife, so they signed the wedding contract and walked, hand in hand, to the altar. The officiant spoke in a bored voice, accustomed to drunken lovers that stupidly pronounced their vows, but the happy couple didn't notice it. They were focused on each other's face, on their proud smiles and wet lips. Lips that in the span of a few minutes moved in order to say the sacred words and, eventually, to kiss. Prior to that moment, the affectionate gesture had never happened. There were no unintentional kisses on the corner of the mouth, nor lips even remotely brushing together. So, when they leaned in to finally validate the rite and sealed their lips together, they both didn't know how to feel.

Camila was kissing her best friend, the same boy she considered almost as a brother, the boy who made her laugh like no other and who brought out the best of her. When his mouth crashed onto hers with firmness, and she felt his stubble tickling her jaw, she wondered – just for a brief moment – if that affected her in any way. She wasn't very pleased to find out that, yes, that connection stirred something inside her. It was just a flash on her mind, but she imagined what those lips could do, how that mouth could accomplish his duties as a husband. She forced herself to stop with the wondering, and simply enjoyed the moment.

Shawn, in the same way, was elaborating his own considerations. He would have been a liar if he said that he had never imagined how kissing Camila would have felt. The first time he met her, he kind of wished it could happen, but she barely spared a glance in his direction so he had no chance. And then, after knowing her and becoming her friend, he imposed to his own self to refrain from any further scenario of that kind. But now, she had her lips, so plump and soft and rosy, trapped between his own. A possessiveness he didn't knew he had overcame him, and he lingered on her mouth pressing his own with a primitive force. He sucked on her bottom lip, took it into his mouth and tasted its sweet flavor with his tongue, all the while sensing her rugged breath on his face and the tight grip of her small hands on the front of his shirt. The faint aftertaste of margaritas and whiskey reminded him that something wasn't right, but he pushed aside his worries and enjoyed the moment. 

The sound of Tanisha and Jordan's cheers broke the spell, and they pulled away with a sincere but shy smile. They were now married for real, but in all that madness they hadn't fully understood what that meant for them. When they stepped out of the little chapel, the sun was almost rising. They had a lot to celebrate, but it was physically impossible for them: their limbs felt heavy and achy, and they were running short of the adrenaline that had kept them awake till that moment. Sadly, they said their goodbye to their new friends and finally went back to their hotel room.

They walked through the hall hand in hand, Camila basically hugging him with her entire small body, while they slurred silly, whispered words. Words that spoke of happiness and wilderness, but also words that partly spoke of love. Maybe they hadn't completely understood that they indeed loved each other, even if that emotion couldn't accommodate the classic canons that everyone is used to depict in their own minds. People usually think of love as pecks and sweet caresses, as soft touches, spontaneous goosebumps and lingering kisses. But this emotion is so much deeper and more complicated than this, that it's easy to forget it can be expressed in other ways.

For Camila and Shawn, love was expressed in a more subtle way, so spontaneous and genuine that they had always mistaken it for friendship. Their relationship was built on kindness and sympathy, on support and mutual encouragement. They were partners in crime, they understood each other, and – as cliché as it sounds – they were each other's half. Call it star crossed lovers, call it soul mates... it doesn't matter. They were simply meant to be together. But social constructs and personal fears had pushed them to believe that they shouldn't risk their friendship for something more, and they had always forbidden themselves to even remotely think of any other possibility.

That night, when Shawn proposed and Camila said yes, their subconscious emerged and - even if it was just in a slight moment, in a friction of time – it revealed their truest desires. Back at the hotel, they danced and laughed and simply messed with each other like they always did. Slamming the door open, they stepped inside the room, and got ready to sleep. Married couples usually look forward for that moment of their wedding night, when they are supposed to consummate the marriage and link their bodies together in passion and love. But Shawn and Camila didn't realize they were now lovers, so they simply slipped inside their own bed, a couple of feet away from the other, and closed their sleepy eyes.

As the night sky outside the hotel window was slowly lighting up with the glamour of the dawn, the two playfully mumbled slurred words.

«Goodnight wifey»

«Sweet dreams, husband». 


A/N Last update of the day. Let me know what you think of this written romcom! x 

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