10. While we're married

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The weekend had arrived quickly, but the frenzy of the week had prevented them from being able to organize something interesting to do. So, Shawn and Camila had nothing left but to improvise a simple dinner in the small kitchen of their home.

From the open window came a warm breeze that brought with itself inside the house the buzz of the passers-by walking on the sidewalks. The streets of the city had always been crowded, but on late summer evenings like that there was the feeling that everyone was a little more alive and enthusiastic. Camila and Shawn were for sure. While their dinner cooked on the stove, the two clinged to each other at every possible opportunity. Camila loved the feeling of her husband's hands lying on her slender body, and Shawn never missed an opportunity to touch her.

There was something different that evening, it seemed that the forces of attraction that they had always managed to keep at bay until that moment had multiplied exponentially. At one point they both had doubted that their marriage was just a farce, but neither of them had the courage to admit it out loud.

After dinner they had decided to open a bottle of red wine - thick and sweet-scented - and sip it while sitting on their sofa. With the stereo playing in the background, they talked for the entire evening. They gossiped about their colleagues, they reminisced their old college memories and the crazy things they had allowed themselves during those years, they fantasized about the trips they could make in the future. Soon, however, those speeches were replaced by lips snapping and warm breaths on thei skin. Shawn had no idea if it was the effect of the wine or Camila's enveloping scent, but he felt completely inebriated. Her long silky hair brushed his shoulders tickling him, and the temptation to twist his fingers around it was too strong to be ignored.

It is not known how, but Camila had ended up on his lap, and she rubbed on him hoping to somehow alleviate that impatient desire that was tormenting her. Her heart thumped quickly, and her stomach was writhing strangely. She wished she could stay that way for eternity. She felt Shawn underneath her, his hard and warm body, his muscles flexing and his veins swelling. That stubble that tickled her face, his chest that rose and lowered frantically.

Until that moment they had never kissed like that. Sure, they had had their moments of passion, but nothing comparable to what had just happened. Left breathless, they had been forced to separate, which neither of them liked. Their bodies were screaming for something more, but it was now late night and their eyelids had become heavy. Lying in bed they forced themselves to fall asleep, but the shudder of desire that ran through them prevented them from doing so.

In the silence of their room, lying side by side, Camila's voice rang clearly. «Shawn? »

«Hmm? »

Emptying her lungs, she said, «I'm really frustrated»

Shawn passed a hand in front of his face, unable to hold back an incredulous but complicit laugh. «You and me both»

Camila pulled herself up and looked him seriously in the eye. «Are you telling me that you haven't been with anyone so far? »

He shook his head. «Not that I didn't have the opportunity, but I couldn't go all the way. I admit that there was a kiss, but that's all that happened».

«Why? I mean, it's been months since our wedding... I believed that you... you know...»

«Camila, our marriage might not make sense, but we made some promises and I intend to commit myself to keeping them. Wait, does it mean that you have been with someone else recently? ». Shawn felt a pain in his heart.

«Oh god, no! No, no, absolutely not» Camila rushed to clarify. She saw her husband's face relax and a shy smile trying to make its way onto his face. Groaning, she let herself fall back on the mattress, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. She was about to propose something really risky, but at that point she was no longer able to bite her tongue. « Look, I'm horny, you're horny. We haven't been with anyone else since our wedding... maybe we should fuck»

Shawn choked and began coughing. «I didn't expect you to be so blunt». Thumping his own chest, he tried to catch his breath. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Camila fidgeting on the bed in embarrassment, so he took a deep breath and put an end to her torture. «Okay». He climbed on top of her and locked his eyes into hers. His nose brushing hers and his body warmth covering her petite frame. «On one condition». Camila, still incredulous, nodded. «There won't be anyone else while we're married».

If on one side the words "while we're married" squeezed her chest in the worst way, on the other the prospect of finally have Shawn all for herself was thrilling. On the tip of her tongue, she felt a promise almost slipping out, the one that recited that there wouldn't be anyone else after him, but before she could let it slip, she kissed him hard. «You didn't even have to ask». She pushed him on his chest and smoothly got on his lap. «My condition though is that I'm going to be on top».

A cascade of chocolate locks fell over her shoulders and Shawn reached out to brush a strand of it behind her ear. «You're so beautiful, I can't believe I'm finally able to have you» he chocked out completely mesmerized by her.

Rushing to discard the few items of clothes that covered their bodies, they got lost in each other's for the very first time. Goosebumps erupted all over Camila's hot skin while Shawn kissed every inch of her. With his pace, at times slow and steady, at times frantic and passional, he tried to engrave on her everything he was feeling. In that very moment, while Camila's cheeks were flushed and her lips parted from pure bliss, he realized he had probably fallen for her. His love for the young woman had always been there, he had just been too stubborn to admit it. But he couldn't fool himself no longer.

As pleasure pierced Camila's body, her mind and heart cleared from the fog that they had been numbed with. She finally admitted to herself that what she was feeling for Shawn went beyond their friendship. She recognized in his kind, honey eyes - in that moment filled with lust and adoration – her soulmate. There was no doubt that they were meant for each other, but while she understood that, she also remembered her husband's words: "While we're married". That short sentence hid the possibility of the drift of their relationship and hurt coursed through her, ripping her soul and smashing her heart. In an attempt to hide her tears, she buried her nose in the crook of his neck, sensing his heartbeat speeding up as he reached his peak just a few seconds before her own muscles spasmed and clenched around him.

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