11. One evening in late September

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For some time, they lived in a bubble, an idyllic oasis where only the two of them existed. Ignoring the rest of the world wasn't that difficult when they spent most of their time christening every room of their apartment. Because yes, after that night Shawn and Camila couldn't get their hands off each other. Sex was good, phenomenal even. Their chemistry was something unique, all it took was a glance or a groan for the other to understand what was needed.

In the past Shawn had allowed himself to fantasize about Camila, but he had always casted out those thoughts rather quickly. He admitted that Camila was hot, but given their uniquely platonic relationship, thinking of her in that way seemed just a torture to him. It was also for this reason that Shawn hadn't expected Camila to be such a freak in bed. The sounds she made drove him crazy, as did the words she whispered in his ear or the exciting quirks she proposed to him. The wild side of the girl had pleasantly amazed him. The thing he perhaps preferred about all this was the duplicity that his wife showed during those moments of intimacy. There were times when Camila held the reins and guided him – in a rather authoritarian way – in every movement. She was overbearing and despotic, and control was only in her hands. But there were other occasions when Camila behaved like a helpless little puppy, a little creature who would do everything to satisfy her master. It was in those moments that Shawn could have her any way he wanted, and the mere thought of it made his head spin.

Little did he know, however, that Camila's eccentricity in their moments of intimacy was nothing more than a way to put a wall between them. Don't get me wrong, the girl liked to experiment and would never do anything that made her feel uncomfortable. But she herself didn't find it hard to admit that her games of seduction and the characters she played during passionate moments covered only a small part of her preferences. Using this alter ego of hers allowed her to protect her most vulnerable part, the one that Shawn could have hurt if only she had given him a chance. It was the same part that wished to be able to let go with slow and gentle movements, to get lost in the eyes of her husband and be able to see in his irises only unconditional love. She craved that affection that only two lovers are able to offer each other: exchanges of light caresses, whispered sweet words, the need to feel like a single person fused together.

Unfortunately, the fragility of their improvised marriage and the knowledge that in the future all this would be over prevented their relationship from taking the turn they both wanted. Their bubble of happiness burst and they quickly dropped into a hard, dusty ground. The jealousy of one and the insecurity of the other were putting a strain on the semblance of relationship they had created. Soon the small squabbles and misunderstandings became real fights, destined to drift the remains of what they had built over the years. If only they had the courage to speak to each other with an open heart and say outloud what was hidden in their hearts...

The end came one evening in late September. During an evening with their friends, the couple hadn't made any effort to hide the new dynamics between them. Although none of their friends knew that the two had married, they knew something had changed. When one of them asked Shawn if they were together, he panicked and denied everything. «Oh, come on, you know very well that we are only friends. This is the same usual story that goes on from our first year of college». At his side Camila tried to hide how mortified she felt, but had reached her limit of endurance. She managed to face only a few minutes still sitting at the table with their friends, before suddenly getting up, apologizing, and leaving the room.

Outside the fresh September air was a great distraction from the stinging of her eyes. She was irritated, angry and heartbroken, and all she wanted to do was let go of a long liberating cry. And maybe shout some insults at her husband. With a quick pace she set out to the house, ignoring Shawn's voice calling her behind him. «Mila! Camila, wait! »

The moment she felt Shawn's palm resting on her shoulder, she turned to him and vehemently pushed him on the chest causing him to retreat, and an expression of shock appeared on his face. «Do not touch me and for God's sake leave me alone. I'm not going to talk to you»

«Camila, come on! You know I had to say those things back in there! »

«Just shut up! All I'm hearing is bullshit. Leave me alone, Shawn» she said while running away. Once she reached the house, the first thing she did was looking for her suitcase and haphazardly started to toss in her clothes. But Shawn had followed her home and when he entered the house he called out for her.

«Camila? » He stepped inside their room and was paralyzed by the sight. «What are you doing?»

Camila, drained by her emotions, wiped her eyes and gripped her hair, her cheeks stained and flushed. «I'm done, Shawn. I can't do this anymore»

«Come on, baby, don't say that. This is just a little fight, nothing we can't overcome»

«Shawn you're not listening to me» she reiterated. «This isn't working, we're not working. We were a good match as friends, but this idiocy that we made, this clownery of a marriage has ruined it all». She started to cry again, unable to control her tears, and now also Shawn's eyes were glazing over. «Don't you see it? We're always fighting, getting the worst out of each other, and when we're not we're pretending to be a couple in love. I'm tired of it!»

«Please, Mila, don't say that. We just need some time to get used to this -»

«This what? Get used to be treated like trash? Because all you did was convincing me that we could have a chance, but you don't waste a single opportunity to remind me this is all an act! I've let you play with me and my feelings until this very moment, but we took this way too far. I'm leaving, Shawn, and there's nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind».

Shawn was speechless. He had so many things he needed to say, but the fear of losing her had turned him into a pillar of salt. He stayed there, motionless, while he watched the love of his life packing her belongings and leaving him. Once the door closed behind her back and he was left alone in an empty apartment, he realized he had just lost the one.


A/N. On a scale from one to ten, how much do you guys hate me? Let me know in the comments :) And, just so that you know, this story is coming to an end, maybe there are one or two more chapters. 

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