Chapter 5: The Conspiracy

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"Now, Princess, I know I mentioned this back at the caravan, but this mission is a doozy," Eight-ball says, letting out a breath.

"You mentioned a lot of things back at the caravan," I reply jokingly, although it's true. The number of things he and Bridge were spouting off were enough to make my head spin, not to mention how they would pause in the middle of saying something to ask if I was actually feeling up to going out. Their concern is sweet, although it can be a bit much. It's been days, with the pain in my mouth virtually gone. I'm pretty sure I can already feel the new tooth coming in.

"Well, yeah, but this mission is the most important bit."

Bridge scoffs at him. "Mission? You're really calling them missions now?"

"Gotta call 'em something fancy to make me feel better about how little you're payin' me."

"Oh, cry a little louder, Eight-ball. I don't think the people in Vegasia heard yet."

"Oh, don't worry," He replies casually. "I'm workin' my way up to that."

I try my hardest not to crack up, since Bridge looks like she's about two seconds away from smacking Eight upside the head, but a little squeak of laughter manages to get past my lips. She looks at me with annoyance, and I smile apologetically. Eight isn't sorry at all, looking smug as he scans my face.

"I'm sorry," I say quickly, but Bridge's green eyes harden, and I shrink back. "Um, while y'all did tell me a lot of stuff back at the caravan, no one really mentioned what we're trying to do today?" My eyes light up. "Are we near a town? Are we gonna scope it out to make sure the locals won't try to rob us blind?"

To my disappointment, Bridge shakes her head. "No. We don't have another town on the map for a while. This has to do with what information Mia got back from that guy you dragged back from the Raiders the other day."

My face drops. "Oh. Him."

"I may not be her biggest fan, but Mia's effective when she works," Eight-ball says. "'All for the greater good.' Gives me the goosies."

"I like her," I say, and he smirks.

"Yeah. Ya like me too, apparently."

"I already told you I did like a week ago."

"Yeah, but I didn't know just how much. I did end up hearing how you threatened our captive when he told you guys I should be dead. Mia apparently is kind enough to tell me when my name is mentioned, and he told her what you told him."

My eyes widen. Shit. I'd actually forgotten about that. God, he must think I'm so stupid! Someone so new making that kind of threat, as if it would hold any meaning. I mean, I know I can do damage. I've seen the aftermath of my rage, after the red stops clouding my vision and instead stains my skin, with those stupid senior boys crying and saying they'll never say anything to me or my siblings at school again if I just left them alone.

I know that, but the crew doesn't. I can feel my face heat up, because they must find this funny as ever. I know Eight-ball does, given his expression.

"I..." My voice gets caught in my throat, "have nothing I can say to make myself any less embarrassed."

"Nice to know you care, Rookie."

"Shut up."

His face holds an expression I can't quite place. It's amusement and... something else. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I-"

"Are you two done?" Bridge interrupts, and Eight-ball frowns at her.

"No, you didn't let me finish."

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