Inspired by the song, Streets by: Doja Cat

"Hey Lucas, can you grab my bowl of popcorn on the counter?" I asked. "Sure, Babe!" Lucas happily replied. "Ok, thanks." I said. I was sitting on the couch of my boyfriend's and I's shared apartment. Lucas was in the kitchen on his phone, casually leaning against the counter where my popcorn was. He puts down his phone and walks to the bathroom, completely ignoring my request. "Dude!" I said, but he already closed the door. "Fine, I wonder what he's looking at?" I thought to myself. I pause my movie and get up from the couch. I grab his phone that was still on and pick it up. He was texting someone, named Camila? Who's Camila? A work friend maybe? I look at the texts sent. Omg! No, this can't be real.

In the blue texts, I read flirty texts, and the same from Camila. I hear the door open and immediately place Lucas's phone down and grab the popcorn. "Oh, sorry! I forgot to give you your popcorn. Sorry about that." Lucas apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah...It's fine." I took my bowl of popcorn and sat down on the couch and unpaused the movie. Lucas picked up his phone, and continued texting Camila. "Hey Babe, wanna watch the movie with me?" I asked. "Sure!" Lucas answered. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me and played with my hair. I have to say I enjoyed him being there with me but I couldn't stop thinking about the girl he was texting. I decided to ask without making me sound suspicious. "Hey Babe? Who's Camila?" I asked. "Oh, she's my new assistant at my work. Why?" Lucas questioned. "Umm, she called you when you were in the bathroom and when I got up to get my popcorn." I lied. "I'll call her back after the movie." He implied before putting his head on mine. "Ok..." I mumbled. I share my popcorn with Lucas and we watch the movie together.

After the movie, I got up from the couch and said, "I'm going to bed, good night." "Alright, I'm going to stay up for a little longer and watch football." Lucas said. "I'm also going to return the call." Lucas added. I walk to my room and lay down on my bed. After a few minutes of just laying there, I heard Lucas start talking since he knew I was a heavy sleeper. "Hi Camila! Sorry I couldn't return your call sooner. I was just watching a movie with one of my friends. If you're free tomorrow, I would be more than happy to spend time with you, Babe. Oh you can! Great! Ok...yup! See you later! Bye, love you." I lay on my bed completely in shock. "H-he's c-cheating on m-me?!" I thought to myself.

I start to tear up. Tears slowly roll down my cheeks. I cover my eyes with my hand and sob in my room quietly. My quiet crying turned into a sobbing catastrophe. Lucas rushed into my room to see me crying. "What's wrong, Babe." Lucas gasped. "I had a nightmare about you with someone else. Oh wait...It wasn't a dream." I remarked sassily. "What? Are you accusing me of cheating?!" Lucas argued. "YES! You don't have to lie. I know what you were saying to Camila. Flirting with her and meeting up. Why? I thought this...I thought we were something real. I can't believe someone that took forever to find just wants to leave me for a girl that's probably hotter than me! I gave up everything just to be with you! Am I not good enough for you? Huh?!" I yelled. More tears rolled down my face.

"It's not what you think!" Lucas tried to back himself up. "Oh really! The things I saw on your phone aren't real? The call you just ended wasn't real? You're such a good person, but tonight...I didn't know that my boyfriend was such a cheater! Have her! Leave me! Take your hot chick out tomorrow and forget about me!" I pestered. "She's just-'' Jucas tried to say. "She's just prettier than me, I get it!" I said. The room was silent for a few seconds. "I thought we belonged together. Just when I thought the man I loved out of millions of other people would love me back." I added. I whipped the tears from my face and propped myself with my pillow and laid my head against the headboard, Lucas looked down sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry. I should have left sooner." Lucas said. "Yeah, instead of me finding the hard way. I'll block you on my phone and never talk to you again, same for you." I said. A tear running off his face, "Ok..." He left my room, started packing, and then left. That whole week I never got sleep and couldn't get out of the deep hole of breakup depression.

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